import React from 'react'; import FixedPopover from '../../src/components/fixed-popover'; import {renderIntoDocument} from '../nylas-test-utils' const {Directions: {Up, Down, Left, Right}} = FixedPopover const makePopover = (props = {})=> { props.originRect = props.originRect ? props.originRect : {}; const popover = renderIntoDocument(); if (props.initialState) { popover.setState(props.initialState) } return popover }; describe('FixedPopover', function fixedPopover() { describe('computeAdjustedOffsetAndDirection', ()=> { beforeEach(()=> { this.popover = makePopover() this.PADDING = 10 this.windowDimensions = { height: 500, width: 500, } }); const compute = (direction, {fallback, top, left, bottom, right})=> { return this.popover.computeAdjustedOffsetAndDirection({ direction, windowDimensions: this.windowDimensions, currentRect: { top, left, bottom, right, }, fallback, offsetPadding: this.PADDING, }) } it('returns null when no overflows present', ()=> { const res = compute(Up, {top: 10, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 20}) expect(res).toBe(null) }); describe('when overflowing on 1 side of the window', ()=> { it('returns fallback direction when it is specified', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Up, {fallback: Left, top: -10, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({}) expect(direction).toEqual(Left) }); it('inverts direction if is Up and overflows on the top', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Up, {top: -10, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({}) expect(direction).toEqual(Down) }); it('inverts direction if is Down and overflows on the bottom', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Down, {top: 490, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({}) expect(direction).toEqual(Up) }); it('inverts direction if is Right and overflows on the right', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Right, {top: 10, left: 490, right: 510, bottom: 20}) expect(offset).toEqual({}) expect(direction).toEqual(Left) }); it('inverts direction if is Left and overflows on the left', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Left, {top: 10, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 20}) expect(offset).toEqual({}) expect(direction).toEqual(Right) }); [Up, Down, Left, Right].forEach((dir)=> { if (dir === Up || dir === Down) { it('moves left if its overflowing on the right', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(dir, {top: 10, left: 490, right: 510, bottom: 20}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(dir) }); it('moves right if overflows on the left', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(dir, {top: 10, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 20}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(dir) }); } if (dir === Left || dir === Right) { it('moves up if its overflowing on the bottom', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(dir, {top: 490, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(dir) }); it('moves down if overflows on the top', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(dir, {top: -10, left: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(dir) }); } }) }) describe('when overflowing on 2 sides of the window', ()=> { describe('when direction is up', ()=> { it('computes correctly when it overflows up and right', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Up, {top: -10, left: 10, right: 510, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Down) }); it('computes correctly when it overflows up and left', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Up, {top: -10, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Down) }); }); describe('when direction is right', ()=> { it('computes correctly when it overflows right and up', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Right, {top: -10, left: 490, right: 510, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Left) }); it('computes correctly when it overflows right and down', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Right, {top: 490, left: 490, right: 510, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Left) }); }); describe('when direction is left', ()=> { it('computes correctly when it overflows left and up', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Left, {top: -10, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 10}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Right) }); it('computes correctly when it overflows left and down', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Left, {top: 490, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({y: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Right) }); }); describe('when direction is down', ()=> { it('computes correctly when it overflows down and left', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Down, {top: 490, left: -10, right: 10, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: 20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Up) }); it('computes correctly when it overflows down and right', ()=> { const {offset, direction} = compute(Down, {top: 490, left: 490, right: 510, bottom: 510}) expect(offset).toEqual({x: -20}) expect(direction).toEqual(Up) }); }); }); }); describe('computePopoverStyles', ()=> { // TODO }); });