import React from 'react'; import { Actions, IdentityStore } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { OpenIdentityPageButton, BillingModal, RetinaImg } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import { shell } from 'electron'; class RefreshButton extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { refreshing: false }; } componentDidMount() { this._mounted = true; } componentWillUnmount() { this._mounted = false; } _onClick = () => { this.setState({ refreshing: true }); IdentityStore.fetchIdentity().then(() => { setTimeout(() => { if (this._mounted) { this.setState({ refreshing: false }); } }, 400); }); }; render() { return (
); } } class PreferencesIdentity extends React.Component { static displayName = 'PreferencesIdentity'; constructor() { super(); this.state = this._getStateFromStores(); } componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = IdentityStore.listen(() => { this.setState(this._getStateFromStores()); }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unsubscribe(); } _getStateFromStores() { return { identity: IdentityStore.identity() || {}, }; } _onUpgrade = () => { Actions.openModal({ component: , width: BillingModal.IntrinsicWidth, height: BillingModal.IntrinsicHeight, }); }; _renderBasic() { const onLearnMore = () => shell.openExternal(''); return (
You are using Mailspring Basic, which is free! You can link up to four email accounts and try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.{' '} Mailspring is independent{' '} open source software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.

Upgrade to Mailspring Pro to use all these great features permanently:
  • Rich contact profiles
  • Follow-up reminders
  • Read receipts
  • Link tracking
  • Powerful template support
  • Send later
  • Company overviews
  • Snooze messages
  • Mailbox insights
  • ... and much more!
Get Mailspring Pro
); } _renderPaidPlan(planName, effectivePlanName) { const planDisplayName = planName.replace('Annual', ' (Annual)'); const unpaidNote = effectivePlanName !== planName && (

{`Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring ${effectivePlanName}. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.`}

); return (
Thank you for using{' '} {`Mailspring ${planDisplayName}`}{' '} and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: visit the{' '} Help Center {' '} to learn more about great features like reminders, templates, and activity insights. {unpaidNote}
); } render() { const { identity } = this.state; const { firstName, lastName, emailAddress, stripePlan, stripePlanEffective } = identity; const logout = () => Actions.logoutNylasIdentity(); return (
{firstName} {lastName}
Sign Out
{stripePlan === 'Basic' ? this._renderBasic() : this._renderPaidPlan(stripePlan, stripePlanEffective)}
); } } export default PreferencesIdentity;