import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import classNames from 'classnames' import { Utils, Actions, MessageStore, SearchableComponentStore, SearchableComponentMaker, } from "nylas-exports" import { Spinner, RetinaImg, MailLabelSet, ScrollRegion, MailImportantIcon, KeyCommandsRegion, InjectedComponentSet, } from 'nylas-component-kit' import FindInThread from './find-in-thread' import MessageItemContainer from './message-item-container' class MessageListScrollTooltip extends React.Component { static displayName = 'MessageListScrollTooltip'; static propTypes = { viewportCenter: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, totalHeight: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, }; componentWillMount() { this.setupForProps(this.props); } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { this.setupForProps(newProps); } shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState) { return !Utils.isEqualReact(this.state, newState); } setupForProps(props) { // Technically, we could have MessageList provide the currently visible // item index, but the DOM approach is simple and self-contained. // const els = document.querySelectorAll('.message-item-wrap') let idx = Array.from(els).findIndex((el) => el.offsetTop > props.viewportCenter); if (idx === -1) { idx = els.length; } this.setState({ idx: idx, count: els.length, }); } render() { return (
{this.state.idx} of {this.state.count}
); } } class MessageList extends React.Component { static displayName = 'MessageList'; static containerRequired = false; static containerStyles = { minWidth: 500, maxWidth: 999999, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = this._getStateFromStores(); this.state.minified = true; this._draftScrollInProgress = false; this.MINIFY_THRESHOLD = 3; } componentDidMount() { this._unsubscribers = []; this._unsubscribers.push(MessageStore.listen(this._onChange)); this._unsubscribers.push(Actions.focusDraft.listen(async ({headerMessageId}) => { Utils.waitFor(() => this._getMessageContainer(headerMessageId) !== undefined ).then(() => this._focusDraft(this._getMessageContainer(headerMessageId)) ).catch(() => { // may have been a popout composer }) })); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, this.props) || !Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, this.state); } componentDidUpdate() { // cannot remove } componentWillUnmount() { for (const unsubscribe of this._unsubscribers) { unsubscribe(); } } _globalMenuItems() { const toggleExpandedLabel = this.state.hasCollapsedItems ? "Expand" : "Collapse"; return [ { label: "Thread", submenu: [{ label: `${toggleExpandedLabel} conversation`, command: "message-list:toggle-expanded", position: "endof=view-actions", }], }, ]; } _globalKeymapHandlers() { const handlers = { 'core:reply': () => Actions.composeReply({ thread: this.state.currentThread, message: this._lastMessage(), type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }), 'core:reply-all': () => Actions.composeReply({ thread: this.state.currentThread, message: this._lastMessage(), type: 'reply-all', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }), 'core:forward': () => this._onForward(), 'core:print-thread': () => this._onPrintThread(), 'core:messages-page-up': () => this._onScrollByPage(-1), 'core:messages-page-down': () => this._onScrollByPage(1), }; if (this.state.canCollapse) { handlers['message-list:toggle-expanded'] = () => this._onToggleAllMessagesExpanded(); } return handlers; } _getMessageContainer(headerMessageId) { return this.refs[`message-container-${headerMessageId}`]; } _focusDraft(draftElement) { // Note: We don't want the contenteditable view competing for scroll offset, // so we block incoming childScrollRequests while we scroll to the new draft. this._draftScrollInProgress = true; draftElement.focus(); this._messageWrapEl.scrollTo(draftElement, { position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Top, settle: true, done: () => { this._draftScrollInProgress = false }, }); } _onForward = () => { if (!this.state.currentThread) { return; } Actions.composeForward({thread: this.state.currentThread}) } _lastMessage() { return (this.state.messages || []).filter(m => !m.draft).pop(); } // Returns either "reply" or "reply-all" _replyType() { const defaultReplyType = NylasEnv.config.get('core.sending.defaultReplyType'); const lastMessage = this._lastMessage(); if (!lastMessage) { return 'reply'; } if (lastMessage.canReplyAll()) { return defaultReplyType === 'reply-all' ? 'reply-all' : 'reply'; } return 'reply'; } _onToggleAllMessagesExpanded = () => { Actions.toggleAllMessagesExpanded(); } _onPrintThread = () => { const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this) Actions.printThread(this.state.currentThread, node.innerHTML) } _onPopThreadIn = () => { if (!this.state.currentThread) { return; } Actions.focusThreadMainWindow(this.state.currentThread) NylasEnv.close() } _onPopoutThread = () => { if (!this.state.currentThread) { return; } Actions.popoutThread(this.state.currentThread); // This returns the single-pane view to the inbox, and does nothing for // double-pane view because we're at the root sheet. Actions.popSheet(); } _onClickReplyArea = () => { if (!this.state.currentThread) { return; } Actions.composeReply({ thread: this.state.currentThread, message: this._lastMessage(), type: this._replyType(), behavior: 'prefer-existing-if-pristine', }); } _messageElements() { const {messagesExpandedState, currentThread} = this.state; const elements = []; let lastMessageIdx; const descendingOrderMessageList = NylasEnv.config.get('core.reading.descendingOrderMessageList'); let messages = this._messagesWithMinification(this.state.messages); // Check on whether to display items in descending order if (descendingOrderMessageList) { messages = messages.reverse(); lastMessageIdx = 0; } else { lastMessageIdx = messages.length - 1; } const lastItem = this.state.messages[descendingOrderMessageList ? 0 : this.state.messages.length - 1]; const hasReplyArea = lastItem && !lastItem.draft; messages.forEach((message, idx) => { if (message.type === "minifiedBundle") { elements.push(this._renderMinifiedBundle(message)) return; } const collapsed = !messagesExpandedState[]; const isLastItem = (lastMessageIdx === idx); const isBeforeReplyArea = isLastItem && hasReplyArea; elements.push( ); }); if (hasReplyArea && lastItem) { elements.push(this._renderReplyArea()); } return elements; } _messagesWithMinification(allMessages = []) { if (!this.state.minified) { return allMessages; } const messages = [].concat(allMessages); const minifyRanges = [] let consecutiveCollapsed = 0 messages.forEach((message, idx) => { // Never minify the 1st message if (idx === 0) { return; } const expandState = this.state.messagesExpandedState[]; if (!expandState) { consecutiveCollapsed += 1 } else { // We add a +1 because we don't minify the last collapsed message, // but the MINIFY_THRESHOLD refers to the smallest N that can be in // the "N older messages" minified block. const minifyOffset = (expandState === "default") ? 1 : 0; if (consecutiveCollapsed >= this.MINIFY_THRESHOLD + minifyOffset) { minifyRanges.push({ start: idx - consecutiveCollapsed, length: (consecutiveCollapsed - minifyOffset), }); } consecutiveCollapsed = 0; } }); let indexOffset = 0; for (const range of minifyRanges) { const start = range.start - indexOffset const minified = { type: "minifiedBundle", messages: messages.slice(start, start + range.length), } messages.splice(start, range.length, minified); // While we removed `range.length` items, we also added 1 back in. indexOffset += (range.length - 1); } return messages; } // Some child components (like the composer) might request that we scroll // to a given location. If `selectionTop` is defined that means we should // scroll to that absolute position. // // If messageId and location are defined, that means we want to scroll // smoothly to the top of a particular message. _scrollTo = ({id, rect, position} = {}) => { if (this._draftScrollInProgress) { return; } if (id) { const messageElement = this._getMessageContainer(id); if (!messageElement) { return; } this._messageWrapEl.scrollTo(messageElement, { position: position !== undefined ? position : ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Visible, }); } else if (rect) { this._messageWrapEl.scrollToRect(rect, { position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.CenterIfInvisible, }); } else { throw new Error("onChildScrollRequest: expected id or rect") } } _onScrollByPage = (direction) => { const height = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._messageWrapEl).clientHeight; this._messageWrapEl.scrollTop += height * direction; } _onChange = () => { const newState = this._getStateFromStores() if ((this.state.currentThread || {}).id !== (newState.currentThread || {}).id) { newState.minified = true; } this.setState(newState); } _getStateFromStores() { return { messages: (MessageStore.items() || []), messagesExpandedState: MessageStore.itemsExpandedState(), canCollapse: MessageStore.items().length > 1, hasCollapsedItems: MessageStore.hasCollapsedItems(), currentThread: MessageStore.thread(), loading: MessageStore.itemsLoading(), }; } _renderSubject() { let subject = this.state.currentThread.subject if (!subject || subject.length === 0) { subject = "(No Subject)"; } return (
); } _renderIcons() { return (
); } _renderExpandToggle() { if (!this.state.canCollapse) { return (); } return (
); } _renderPopoutToggle() { if (NylasEnv.isThreadWindow()) { return (
); } return (
); } _renderReplyArea() { return (
Write a reply…
); } _renderMinifiedBundle(bundle) { const BUNDLE_HEIGHT = 36; const lines = bundle.messages.slice(0, 10); const h = Math.round(BUNDLE_HEIGHT / lines.length); return (
this.setState({minified: false})} key={Utils.generateTempId()} >
{bundle.messages.length} older messages
{, i) =>
); } render() { if (!this.state.currentThread) { return (); } const wrapClass = classNames({ "messages-wrap": true, "ready": !this.state.loading, }) const messageListClass = classNames({ "message-list": true, "height-fix": SearchableComponentStore.searchTerm !== null, }); return (
{ this._messageWrapEl = el }} > {this._renderSubject()}
); } } export default SearchableComponentMaker.extend(MessageList);