global.shellStartTime = errorReporter = new (require '../error-reporter') app = require 'app' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' optimist = require 'optimist' start = -> if process.platform is 'win32' SquirrelUpdate = require './squirrel-update' squirrelCommand = process.argv[1] return if SquirrelUpdate.handleStartupEvent(app, squirrelCommand) args = parseCommandLine() addPathToOpen = (event, pathToOpen) -> event.preventDefault() args.pathsToOpen.push(pathToOpen) args.urlsToOpen = [] addUrlToOpen = (event, urlToOpen) -> event.preventDefault() args.urlsToOpen.push(urlToOpen) app.on 'open-file', addPathToOpen app.on 'open-url', addUrlToOpen app.on 'will-finish-launching', -> setupCrashReporter() app.on 'ready', -> app.removeListener 'open-file', addPathToOpen app.removeListener 'open-url', addUrlToOpen cwd = args.executedFrom?.toString() or process.cwd() args.pathsToOpen = (pathToOpen) -> if cwd path.resolve(cwd, pathToOpen.toString()) else path.resolve(pathToOpen.toString()) setupCoffeeScript() if args.devMode require(path.join(args.resourcePath, 'src', 'coffee-cache')).register() Application = require path.join(args.resourcePath, 'src', 'browser', 'application') else Application = require './application' console.log("App load time: #{ - global.shellStartTime}ms") unless args.test global.devResourcePath = process.env.EDGEHILL_PATH ? process.cwd() # Normalize to make sure drive letter case is consistent on Windows global.devResourcePath = path.normalize(global.devResourcePath) if global.devResourcePath setupCrashReporter = -> # In the future, we may want to collect actual native crash reports, # but for now let's not send them to github. # crashReporter.start(productName: 'Atom', companyName: 'GitHub') setupCoffeeScript = -> CoffeeScript = null require.extensions['.coffee'] = (module, filePath) -> CoffeeScript ?= require('coffee-script') coffee = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') js = CoffeeScript.compile(coffee, filename: filePath) module._compile(js, filePath) parseCommandLine = -> version = app.getVersion() options = optimist(process.argv[1..]) options.usage """ Atom Editor v#{version} Usage: atom [options] [path ...] One or more paths to files or folders to open may be specified. File paths will open in the current window. Folder paths will open in an existing window if that folder has already been opened or a new window if it hasn't. Environment Variables: EDGEHILL_PATH The path from which Atom loads source code in dev mode. Defaults to `cwd`. """ options.alias('d', 'dev').boolean('d').describe('d', 'Run in development mode.') options.alias('f', 'foreground').boolean('f').describe('f', 'Keep the browser process in the foreground.') options.alias('h', 'help').boolean('h').describe('h', 'Print this usage message.') options.alias('l', 'log-file').string('l').describe('l', 'Log all output to file.') options.alias('n', 'new-window').boolean('n').describe('n', 'Open a new window.') options.alias('r', 'resource-path').string('r').describe('r', 'Set the path to the Atom source directory and enable dev-mode.') options.alias('s', 'spec-directory').string('s').describe('s', 'Set the directory from which to run package specs (default: Atom\'s spec directory).') options.boolean('safe').describe('safe', 'Do not load packages from ~/.atom/packages or ~/.atom/dev/packages.') options.alias('t', 'test').boolean('t').describe('t', 'Run the specified specs and exit with error code on failures.') options.alias('v', 'version').boolean('v').describe('v', 'Print the version.') options.alias('w', 'wait').boolean('w').describe('w', 'Wait for window to be closed before returning.') args = options.argv if process.stdout.write( process.exit(0) if args.version process.stdout.write("#{version}\n") process.exit(0) executedFrom = args['executed-from'] devMode = args['dev'] safeMode = args['safe'] pathsToOpen = args._ pathsToOpen = [executedFrom] if executedFrom and pathsToOpen.length is 0 test = args['test'] specDirectory = args['spec-directory'] newWindow = args['new-window'] pidToKillWhenClosed = args['pid'] if args['wait'] logFile = args['log-file'] specFilePattern = args['file-pattern'] if args['resource-path'] devMode = true resourcePath = args['resource-path'] else # Set resourcePath based on the specDirectory if running specs on atom core if specDirectory? packageDirectoryPath = path.resolve(specDirectory, '..') packageManifestPath = path.join(packageDirectoryPath, 'package.json') if fs.statSyncNoException(packageManifestPath) try packageManifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageManifestPath)) resourcePath = packageDirectoryPath if is 'edgehill' else # EDGEHILL_CORE: if test is given a name, assume that's the package we # want to test. if test and is "[object String]" if test is "core" specDirectory = path.join(global.devResourcePath, "spec-nylas") else specDirectory = path.resolve(path.join(global.devResourcePath, "internal_packages", test)) if devMode resourcePath ?= global.devResourcePath unless fs.statSyncNoException(resourcePath) resourcePath = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)) # On Yosemite the $PATH is not inherited by the "open" command, so we have to # explicitly pass it by command line, see process.env.PATH = args['path-environment'] if args['path-environment'] {resourcePath, pathsToOpen, executedFrom, test, version, pidToKillWhenClosed, devMode, safeMode, newWindow, specDirectory, logFile, specFilePattern} start()