import React from 'react'; import {remote} from 'electron'; import {EdgehillAPI} from 'nylas-exports'; const autoUpdater = remote.getGlobal('application').autoUpdateManager; class UpdateChannelSection extends React.Component { static displayName = 'UpdateChannelSection'; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { current: {name: 'Loading...'}, available: [{name: 'Loading...'}], } } componentDidMount() { this._refreshChannel(); this._mounted = true; } componentWillUnmount() { this._mounted = false; } _refreshChannel() { EdgehillAPI.makeRequest({ method: 'GET', path: `/update-channel`, qs: autoUpdater.parameters(), json: true, }).then(({current, available}) => { if (!this._mounted) { return; } this.setState({current, available}); }); } _onSelectedChannel = (event) => { const channel =; this.setState({saving: true}); EdgehillAPI.makeRequest({ method: 'POST', path: `/update-channel`, qs: Object.assign({channel}, autoUpdater.parameters()), json: true, }).then(({current, available}) => { this.setState({current, available, saving: false}); }).catch((err) => { this.setState({saving: false}); NylasEnv.showErrorDialog(err.toString()) }); } render() { const {current, available, saving} = this.state; return (

Subscribe to different update channels to receive previews of new features. Note that some update channels may be less stable!

); } } export default UpdateChannelSection;