module.exports = [ { title: 'Application', items: [ ['application:new-message', 'New Message'], ['core:focus-search', 'Search'], ], }, { title: 'Actions', items: [ ['core:reply', 'Reply'], ['core:reply-all', 'Reply All'], ['core:forward', 'Forward'], ['core:archive-item', 'Archive'], ['core:delete-item', 'Trash'], ['core:remove-from-view', 'Remove from view'], ['core:gmail-remove-from-view', 'Gmail Remove from view'], ['core:star-item', 'Star'], ['core:snooze-item', 'Snooze'], ['core:change-category', 'Change Folder / Labels'], ['core:mark-as-read', 'Mark as read'], ['core:mark-as-unread', 'Mark as unread'], ['core:mark-important', 'Mark as important (Gmail)'], ['core:mark-unimportant', 'Mark as unimportant (Gmail)'], ['core:remove-and-previous', 'Remove from view and previous'], ['core:remove-and-next', 'Remove from view and next'], ], }, { title: 'Composer', items: [ ['composer:send-message', 'Send Message'], ['composer:focus-to', 'Focus the To field'], ['composer:show-and-focus-cc', 'Focus the Cc field'], ['composer:show-and-focus-bcc', 'Focus the Bcc field'], ], }, { title: 'Navigation', items: [ ['core:pop-sheet', 'Return to conversation list'], ['core:focus-item', 'Open selected conversation'], ['core:previous-item', 'Move to newer conversation'], ['core:next-item', 'Move to older conversation'], ], }, { title: 'Selection', items: [ ['core:select-item', 'Select conversation'], ['multiselect-list:select-all', 'Select all conversations'], ['multiselect-list:deselect-all', 'Deselect all conversations'], ['thread-list:select-read', 'Select all read conversations'], ['thread-list:select-unread', 'Select all unread conversations'], ['thread-list:select-starred', 'Select all starred conversations'], ['thread-list:select-unstarred', 'Select all unstarred conversations'], ], }, { title: 'Jumping', items: [ ['navigation:go-to-inbox', 'Go to "Inbox"'], ['navigation:go-to-starred', 'Go to "Starred"'], ['navigation:go-to-sent', 'Go to "Sent Mail"'], ['navigation:go-to-drafts', 'Go to "Drafts"'], ['navigation:go-to-all', 'Go to "All Mail"'], ], }, ]