React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
FileUploadStore} = require 'inbox-exports'
RetinaImg} = require 'ui-components'
FileUploads = require './file-uploads'
ContenteditableComponent = require './contenteditable-component'
ParticipantsTextField = require './participants-text-field'
# The ComposerView is a unique React component because it (currently) is a
# singleton. Normally, the React way to do things would be to re-render the
# Composer with new props.
class ComposerView extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ComposerView'
@containerRequired: false
localId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
# Either "inline" or "fullwindow"
mode: React.PropTypes.string
# If this composer is part of an existing thread (like inline
# composers) the threadId will be handed down
threadId: React.PropTypes.string
# Sometimes when changes in the composer happens it's desirable to
# have the parent scroll to a certain location. A parent component can
# pass a callback that gets called when this composer wants to be
# scrolled to.
onRequestScrollTo: React.PropTypes.func
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
populated: false
to: []
cc: []
bcc: []
body: ""
subject: ""
showcc: false
showbcc: false
showsubject: false
showQuotedText: false
isSending: DraftStore.sendingState(@props.localId)
componentWillMount: =>
componentDidMount: =>
@_draftStoreUnlisten = DraftStore.listen @_onSendingStateChanged
@_keymapUnlisten = atom.commands.add '.composer-outer-wrap', {
'composer:show-and-focus-bcc': @_showAndFocusBcc
'composer:show-and-focus-cc': @_showAndFocusCc
'composer:focus-to': => @focus "textFieldTo"
'composer:send-message': => @_sendDraft()
'composer:delete-empty-draft': => @_deleteEmptyDraft()
"core:undo": @undo
"core:redo": @redo
if @props.mode is "fullwindow"
# Need to delay so the component can be fully painted. Focus doesn't
# work unless the element is on the page.
@focus "textFieldTo"
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_draftStoreUnlisten() if @_draftStoreUnlisten
@_keymapUnlisten.dispose() if @_keymapUnlisten
componentDidUpdate: =>
# We want to use a temporary variable instead of putting this into the
# state. This is because the selection is a transient property that
# only needs to be applied once. It's not a long-living property of
# the state. We could call `setState` here, but this saves us from a
# re-rendering.
@_recoveredSelection = null if @_recoveredSelection?
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
if newProps.localId isnt @props.localId
# When we're given a new draft localId, we have to stop listening to our
# current DraftStoreProxy, create a new one and listen to that. The simplest
# way to do this is to just re-call registerListeners.
_prepareForDraft: (localId) =>
@unlisteners = []
return unless localId
# UndoManager must be ready before we call _onDraftChanged for the first time
@undoManager = new UndoManager
@_proxy = DraftStore.sessionForLocalId(localId)
@unlisteners.push @_proxy.listen(@_onDraftChanged)
if @_proxy.draft()
_teardownForDraft: =>
unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners
if @_proxy
render: =>
if @props.mode is "inline"