const Sequelize = require('sequelize'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const HookTransactionLog = require('./hook-transaction-log'); const HookAccountCRUD = require('./hook-account-crud'); const HookIncrementVersionOnSave = require('./hook-increment-version-on-save'); const PromiseUtils = require('./promise-utils'); require('./database-extensions'); // Extends Sequelize on require const STORAGE_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'storage'); if (!fs.existsSync(STORAGE_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(STORAGE_DIR); } class DatabaseConnector { constructor() { this._cache = {}; } _readModelsInDirectory(sequelize, dirname, {schema} = {}) { const db = {}; for (const filename of fs.readdirSync(dirname)) { if (filename.endsWith('.js')) { let model = sequelize.import(path.join(dirname, filename)); if (schema) { model = model.schema(schema); } db[[0].toUpperCase() +] = model; } } Object.keys(db).forEach((modelName) => { if ("associate" in db[modelName]) { db[modelName].associate(db); } }); return db; } _sequelizePoolForDatabase(dbname) { if (process.env.DB_HOSTNAME) { return new Sequelize(dbname, process.env.DB_USERNAME, process.env.DB_PASSWORD, { host: process.env.DB_HOSTNAME, dialect: "mysql", charset: 'utf8', logging: true, pool: { min: 1, max: 30, idle: 10000, }, define: { charset: 'utf8', collate: 'utf8_general_ci', }, }); } return new Sequelize(dbname, '', '', { storage: path.join(STORAGE_DIR, `${dbname}.sqlite`), dialect: "sqlite", logging: false, }) } forAccount(accountId) { if (!accountId) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`You need to pass an accountId to init the database!`)) } if (this._cache[accountId]) { return this._cache[accountId]; } let newSequelize = null; if (process.env.DB_HOSTNAME) { if (!this._accountsRootSequelize) { this._accountsRootSequelize = this._sequelizePoolForDatabase(`account_data`); } // Create a new sequelize instance, but tie it to the same connection pool // as the other account instances. newSequelize = this._sequelizePoolForDatabase(`account_data`); newSequelize.dialect = this._accountsRootSequelize.dialect; newSequelize.config = this._accountsRootSequelize.config; newSequelize.connectionManager.close() newSequelize.connectionManager = this._accountsRootSequelize.connectionManager; } else { newSequelize = this._sequelizePoolForDatabase(`a-${accountId}`); } const modelsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'models/account'); const db = this._readModelsInDirectory(newSequelize, modelsPath, {schema: `a${accountId}`}) HookTransactionLog(db, newSequelize); HookIncrementVersionOnSave(db, newSequelize); db.sequelize = newSequelize; db.Sequelize = Sequelize; db.accountId = accountId; this._cache[accountId] = newSequelize.authenticate().then(() => // this is a bit of a hack, because sequelize.sync() doesn't work with // schemas. It's necessary to sync models individually and in the right order. PromiseUtils.each(['Contact', 'Folder', 'Label', 'Transaction', 'Thread', 'ThreadLabel', 'ThreadFolder', 'Message', 'MessageLabel', 'File', 'SyncbackRequest'], (n) => db[n].sync()) ).thenReturn(db); return this._cache[accountId]; } ensureAccountDatabase(accountId) { return Promise.resolve() } destroyAccountDatabase(accountId) { const dbname = `a-${accountId}`; if (process.env.DB_HOSTNAME) { // todo } else { fs.removeFileSync(path.join(STORAGE_DIR, `${dbname}.sqlite`)); } return Promise.resolve() } _sequelizeForShared() { const sequelize = this._sequelizePoolForDatabase(`shared`); const modelsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'models/shared'); const db = this._readModelsInDirectory(sequelize, modelsPath) HookAccountCRUD(db, sequelize); db.sequelize = sequelize; db.Sequelize = Sequelize; return sequelize.authenticate().then(() => sequelize.sync() ).thenReturn(db); } forShared() { this._cache.shared = this._cache.shared || this._sequelizeForShared(); return this._cache.shared; } } module.exports = new DatabaseConnector()