React = require 'react' {RetinaImg, ConfigPropContainer} = require 'nylas-component-kit' {EdgehillAPI} = require 'nylas-exports' OnboardingActions = require './onboarding-actions' InitialPackages = [{ 'name': 'Templates', 'description': 'Templates let you fill an email with a pre-set body of text and a snumber of fields you can fill quickly to save time.' 'icon': 'setup-icon-templates.png' }, { 'name': 'Signatures', 'description': 'Select from and edit mutiple signatures that N1 will automatically append to your sent messages.' 'icon': 'setup-icon-signatures.png' },{ 'name': 'Github', 'description': 'Adds Github quick actions to many emails, and allows you to see the Github profiles of the people you email.' 'icon': 'setup-icon-github.png' }] class SlideSwitch extends React.Component @propTypes: active: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired constructor: (@props) -> render: => classnames = "slide-switch" if classnames += " active"
Packages lie at the heart of N1—you can enable community packages or build
your own to create the perfect workflow. Want to enable a few packages now?