@import "ui-variables"; @import "ui-mixins"; @import "octicon-mixins"; .list-group, .list-tree { li:not(.list-nested-item), li.list-nested-item > .list-item { .text(normal); } .generate-list-item-text-color(@class) { li:not(.list-nested-item).text-@{class}, li.list-nested-item.text-@{class} > .list-item { .text(@class); } } .generate-list-item-text-color(subtle); .generate-list-item-text-color(info); .generate-list-item-text-color(success); .generate-list-item-text-color(warning); .generate-list-item-text-color(error); .generate-list-item-text-color(selected); .generate-list-item-status-color(@color, @status) { li:not(.list-nested-item).status-@{status}, li.list-nested-item.status-@{status} > .list-item { color: @color; } } .generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-subtle, ignored); li:not(.list-nested-item).selected, li.list-nested-item.selected > .list-item { .text(selected); } } .select-list ol.list-group, &.select-list ol.list-group { li.two-lines { .secondary-line { color: @text-color-subtle; } &.selected .secondary-line { color: lighten(@text-color-subtle, 10%); text-shadow: none; } } // We want to highlight the background of the list items because we dont // know their size. li.selected { background-color: @background-color-selected; &:before{ display: none; } } &.mark-active{ @active-icon-size: 14px; // pad in front of the text where the icon would be We'll pad the non- // active items with a 'fake' icon so other classes can pad the item // without worrying about the icon padding. li:before { content: ''; background-color: transparent; position: static; display: inline-block; left: auto; right: auto; height: @active-icon-size; width: @active-icon-size; } > li:not(.active):before { margin-right: @component-icon-padding; } li.active { .octicon(check, @active-icon-size); &:before { margin-right: @component-icon-padding; color: @text-color-success; } } } } .select-list.popover-list { background-color: @overlay-background-color; box-shadow: 0 0 10px @base-border-color; padding: @component-padding/2; border-radius: @component-border-radius; border: 1px solid @overlay-border-color; .editor { margin-bottom: @component-padding/2; } .list-group li { padding-left: @component-padding/2; } } .ui-sortable { li { line-height: 2.5; } // For sortable lists in the settings view li.ui-sortable-placeholder { visibility: visible !important; background-color: darken(@pane-item-background-color, 10%); } } li.ui-draggable-dragging, li.ui-sortable-helper { line-height: @component-line-height; height: @component-line-height; border: 0; border-radius: 0; list-style: none; padding: 0 @component-padding; background: @background-color-highlight; box-shadow: 0 0 1px @base-border-color; }