React = require 'react' {shell} = require 'electron' classnames = require 'classnames' {Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' {RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit' PageRouterStore = require './page-router-store' OnboardingActions = require './onboarding-actions' class WelcomePage extends React.Component @displayName: "WelcomePage" constructor: (@props) -> @state = step: 0 lastStep: 0 render: ->
OnboardingActions.closeWindow() }>
_renderButtons: -> buttons = [] btnText = "" if @state.step is 0 btnText = "Let’s get started" else if @state.step is 1 btnText = "Continue" else if @state.step is 2 btnText = "Get started" buttons.push return buttons _renderSteps: -> [ @_renderStep0() @_renderStep1() @_renderStep2() ] _stepClass: (n) -> obj = "step-wrap": true "active": @state.step is n obj["step-#{n}-wrap"] = true className = classnames(obj) return className _renderStep0: ->

Welcome to Nylas N1

_renderStep1: ->

Open source & made for developers.


Nylas N1 and the cloud sync engine are available on @_open("")}>GitHub

_gears: -> gears = [] gear = "gear-large@2x.png" for i in [0..3] if i isnt 0 then gear = "gear-large-outer@2x.png" gears.push return gears _renderStep2: ->

Powered by Cloud Sync.

Nylas syncs your mail in the cloud. This makes N1 blazing fast
and is needed for features like Snooze and Send Later.

@_open("")}>Learn more

_open: (link) -> shell.openExternal(link) return _renderNavBubble: (step=0) -> bubbles = [0..2].map (n) => active = if n is step then "active" else ""
@setState step: n }>
_onBack: => @setState(step: @state.step - 1) _onContinue: => if @state.step < 2 @setState(step: @state.step + 1) else Actions.recordUserEvent('Welcome Page Finished', { tokenAuthEnabled: PageRouterStore.tokenAuthEnabled(0) }) if PageRouterStore.tokenAuthEnabled() is "no" OnboardingActions.moveToPage("account-choose") else OnboardingActions.moveToPage("token-auth") module.exports = WelcomePage