ClipboardService = require '../../src/components/contenteditable/clipboard-service'
describe "ClipboardService", ->
beforeEach ->
@onFilePaste = jasmine.createSpy('onFilePaste')
@clipboardService = new ClipboardService
describe "when html and plain text parts are present", ->
beforeEach ->
@mockEvent =
preventDefault: jasmine.createSpy('preventDefault')
getData: ->
return 'This is text' if 'text/html'
return 'This is plain text' if 'text/plain'
return null
items: [{
kind: 'string'
type: 'text/html'
getAsString: -> 'This is text'
kind: 'string'
type: 'text/plain'
getAsString: -> 'This is plain text'
it "should sanitize the HTML string and call insertHTML", ->
spyOn(document, 'execCommand')
spyOn(@clipboardService, '_sanitizeInput').andCallThrough()
runs ->
waitsFor ->
document.execCommand.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(@clipboardService._sanitizeInput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('This is text', 'text/html')
[command, a, html] = document.execCommand.mostRecentCall.args
expect(html).toEqual('This is text')
describe "when html and plain text parts are present", ->
beforeEach ->
@mockEvent =
preventDefault: jasmine.createSpy('preventDefault')
getData: ->
return 'This is plain text' if 'text/plain'
return null
items: [{
kind: 'string'
type: 'text/plain'
getAsString: -> 'This is plain text'
it "should sanitize the plain text string and call insertHTML", ->
spyOn(document, 'execCommand')
spyOn(@clipboardService, '_sanitizeInput').andCallThrough()
runs ->
waitsFor ->
document.execCommand.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(@clipboardService._sanitizeInput).toHaveBeenCalledWith('This is plain text', 'text/html')
[command, a, html] = document.execCommand.mostRecentCall.args
expect(html).toEqual('This is plain text')
describe "sanitization", ->
tests = [
in: ""
sanitizedAsHTML: ""
sanitizedAsPlain: ""
in: "Hello World"
sanitizedAsHTML: "Hello World"
sanitizedAsPlain: "Hello World"
in: " Hello World"
# Should collapse to 1 space when rendered
sanitizedAsHTML: " Hello World"
# Preserving 2 spaces
sanitizedAsPlain: " Hello World"
in: " Hello World"
sanitizedAsHTML: " Hello World"
# Preserving 3 spaces
sanitizedAsPlain: " Hello World"
in: " Hello World"
sanitizedAsHTML: " Hello World"
# Preserving 4 spaces
sanitizedAsPlain: " Hello World"
in: "Hello\nWorld"
sanitizedAsHTML: "Hello
# Convert newline to br
sanitizedAsPlain: "Hello
in: "Hello\rWorld"
sanitizedAsHTML: "Hello
# Convert carriage return to br
sanitizedAsPlain: "Hello
in: "Hello\n\n\nWorld"
# Never have more than 2 br's in a row
sanitizedAsHTML: "Hello
# Convert multiple newlines to same number of brs
sanitizedAsPlain: "Hello
in: " Foo Bar