import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass } from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import { Message, NylasTestUtils } from 'nylas-exports'; import OpenTrackingIcon from '../lib/open-tracking-icon'; import { PLUGIN_ID } from '../lib/open-tracking-constants'; const { renderIntoDocument } = NylasTestUtils; function makeIcon(thread, props = {}) { return renderIntoDocument(); } function find(component, className) { return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(component, className)); } function addOpenMetadata(obj, openCount) { obj.directlyAttachMetadata(PLUGIN_ID, { open_count: openCount }); } describe('Open tracking icon', function openTrackingIcon() { beforeEach(() => { this.thread = { __messages: [] }; }); it('shows no icon if the thread has no messages', () => { const icon = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(makeIcon(this.thread)); expect(icon.children.length).toEqual(0); }); it('shows no icon if the thread messages have no metadata', () => { this.thread.__messages.push(new Message()); this.thread.__messages.push(new Message()); const icon = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(makeIcon(this.thread)); expect(icon.children.length).toEqual(0); }); describe('With messages and metadata', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.messages = [new Message(), new Message(), new Message({ draft: true })]; this.thread.__messages.push(...this.messages); }); it('shows no icon if metadata is malformed', () => { this.messages[0].directlyAttachMetadata(PLUGIN_ID, { gar: 'bage' }); const icon = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(makeIcon(this.thread)); expect(icon.children.length).toEqual(0); }); it('shows an unopened icon if last non draft message has metadata and is unopened', () => { addOpenMetadata(this.messages[0], 1); addOpenMetadata(this.messages[1], 0); const icon = find(makeIcon(this.thread), 'open-tracking-icon'); expect(icon.children.length).toEqual(1); expect(icon.querySelector('img.unopened')).not.toBeNull(); expect(icon.querySelector('img.opened')).toBeNull(); }); it('shows an opened icon if last non draft message with metadata is opened', () => { addOpenMetadata(this.messages[0], 0); addOpenMetadata(this.messages[1], 1); const icon = find(makeIcon(this.thread), 'open-tracking-icon'); expect(icon.children.length).toEqual(1); expect(icon.querySelector('img.unopened')).toBeNull(); expect(icon.querySelector('img.opened')).not.toBeNull(); }); }); });