import React from 'react'; import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron'; import {AccountStore, Actions} from 'nylas-exports'; import PreferencesAccountList from './preferences-account-list'; import PreferencesAccountDetails from './preferences-account-details'; class PreferencesAccounts extends React.Component { static displayName = 'PreferencesAccounts'; constructor() { super(); this.state = this.getStateFromStores(); } componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = AccountStore.listen(this._onAccountsChanged) } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.unsubscribe) { this.unsubscribe(); } } getStateFromStores({selected} = {}) { const accounts = AccountStore.accounts() let selectedAccount; if (selected) { selectedAccount = accounts.find(a => === } // If selected was null or no longer exists in the AccountStore, // just use the first account. if (!selectedAccount) { selectedAccount = accounts[0]; } return { accounts, selected: selectedAccount, }; } _onAccountsChanged = () => { this.setState(this.getStateFromStores(this.state)); } // Update account list actions _onAddAccount() { ipcRenderer.send('command', 'application:add-account', {source: 'Preferences'}); } _onReorderAccount(account, oldIdx, newIdx) { Actions.reorderAccount(, newIdx); } _onSelectAccount = (account) => { this.setState({selected: account}); } _onRemoveAccount(account) { Actions.removeAccount(; } // Update account actions _onAccountUpdated(account, updates) { Actions.updateAccount(, updates); } render() { return (
); } } export default PreferencesAccounts;