{generateTempId} = require './flux/models/utils' # A small object that keeps track of the current animation state of the # application. You can use it to defer work until animations have finished. # Integrated with our fork of ReactCSSTransitionGroup # # PriorityUICoordinator.settle.then -> # # Do something expensive # class PriorityUICoordinator constructor: -> @tasks = {} @settle = Promise.resolve() setInterval(( => @detectOrphanedTasks()), 1000) beginPriorityTask: -> if Object.keys(@tasks).length is 0 @settle = new Promise (resolve, reject) => @settlePromiseResolve = resolve id = generateTempId() @tasks[id] = Date.now() id endPriorityTask: (id) -> throw new Error("You must provide a task id to endPriorityTask") unless id delete @tasks[id] if Object.keys(@tasks).length is 0 @settlePromiseResolve() if @settlePromiseResolve @settlePromiseResolve = null detectOrphanedTasks: -> now = Date.now() threshold = 15000 # milliseconds for id, timestamp of @tasks if now - timestamp > threshold console.log("PriorityUICoordinator detected oprhaned priority task lasting #{threshold}ms. Ending.") @endPriorityTask(id) busy: -> Object.keys(@tasks).length > 0 module.exports = new PriorityUICoordinator()