_ = require 'underscore' Reflux = require 'reflux' request = require 'request' {FocusedContactsStore, AccountStore, PriorityUICoordinator} = require 'nylas-exports' module.exports = # The InternalAdminStore manages the data that backs the admin sidebar and emits # a "trigger" event that the view listens to. # # If the Admin sidebar allowed you to take actions, like modifying someone's # Nylas account, the InternalAdminStore would also listen for those user actions # and perform business logic. # InternalAdminStore = Reflux.createStore init: -> @_accountCache = null @_enabled = false @_error = null # Stores often listen to other stores to vend correct data to their views. # Since we serve information about a contact we listen for changes to the # focused contact. Since we only want to be enabled for @nylas.com emails, # we listen for changes to available Accounts. @listenTo FocusedContactsStore, @_onFocusedContacts @listenTo AccountStore, @_onAccountChanged @_onAccountChanged() dataForFocusedContact: -> return {loading: true} if @_accountCache is null contact = FocusedContactsStore.focusedContact() return {} unless contact account = _.find @_accountCache, (account) -> account.email is contact.email apps = undefined apps = account.applications if account # Coffeescript shorthand for {account: account, apps: apps} {account, apps} enabled: -> @_enabled error: -> @_error _onFocusedContacts: -> # When the user focuses on a contact, we don't need to do any work because we # cache everything. Just trigger so that our view updates and calls # `dataForFocusedContact`. @trigger(@) _onAccountChanged: -> clearInterval(@_fetchInterval) if @_fetchInterval @_fetchInterval = null # We only want to enable this package for users with nylas.com email addresses. n = AccountStore.current() if n and n.emailAddress.indexOf('@nylas.com') > 0 @_fetchInterval = setInterval(( => @_fetchAPIData()), 5 * 60 * 1000) @_fetchAPIData() @_enabled = true else @_accountCache = null @_enabled = false @trigger(@) _fetchAPIData: -> # Make a HTTP request to the Admin service using the `request` library. Using # the priority UI coordinator ensures that the expensive JSON.parse operation # doesn't happen while an animation is running. request 'https://admin.nylas.com/api/status/accounts', (err, resp, data) => PriorityUICoordinator.settle.then => if err @_error = err else @_error = null try @_accountCache = JSON.parse(data) catch err @_error = err @_accountCache = null @trigger(@)