_ = require 'underscore' _str = require 'underscore.string' fs = require 'fs-plus' path = require 'path' require '../src/window' NylasEnv.restoreWindowDimensions() require 'jasmine-json' require './jasmine-jquery' Grim = require 'grim' TimeOverride = require './time-override' KeymapManager = require '../src/keymap-manager' # FIXME: Remove jquery from this {$} = require '../src/space-pen-extensions' Config = require '../src/config' ServiceHub = require 'service-hub' pathwatcher = require 'pathwatcher' {clipboard} = require 'electron' {Account, Contact, TaskQueue, AccountStore, DatabaseStore, ComponentRegistry} = require "nylas-exports" NylasEnv.themes.loadBaseStylesheets() NylasEnv.themes.requireStylesheet '../static/jasmine' NylasEnv.themes.initialLoadComplete = true NylasEnv.keymaps.loadBundledKeymaps() keyBindingsToRestore = NylasEnv.keymaps.getKeyBindings() commandsToRestore = NylasEnv.commands.getSnapshot() styleElementsToRestore = NylasEnv.styles.getSnapshot() window.addEventListener 'core:close', -> window.close() window.addEventListener 'beforeunload', -> NylasEnv.storeWindowDimensions() NylasEnv.saveSync() $('html,body').css('overflow', 'auto') # Allow document.title to be assigned in specs without screwing up spec window title documentTitle = null Object.defineProperty document, 'title', get: -> documentTitle set: (title) -> documentTitle = title jasmine.getEnv().addEqualityTester(_.isEqual) # Use underscore's definition of equality for toEqual assertions if process.env.JANKY_SHA1 and process.platform is 'win32' jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 60000 else jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 250 specPackageName = null specPackagePath = null isCoreSpec = false {specDirectory, resourcePath} = NylasEnv.getLoadSettings() if specDirectory specPackagePath = path.resolve(specDirectory, '..') try specPackageName = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(specPackagePath, 'package.json')))?.name isCoreSpec = specDirectory == fs.realpathSync(__dirname) # Override React.addons.TestUtils.renderIntoDocument so that # we can remove all the created elements after the test completes. React = require "react/addons" ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps = (root, type, props) -> if not root then throw new Error("Must supply a root to scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps") _.compact _.map ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, type), (el) -> if _.isEqual(_.pick(el.props, Object.keys(props)), props) return el else return false ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithAttr = (root, attrName, attrValue) -> ReactTestUtils.findAllInRenderedTree root, (inst) -> inst.props[attrName] and (!attrValue or inst.props[attrName] is attrValue) ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr = (root, attrName, attrValue) -> all = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithAttr(root, attrName, attrValue) if all.length is not 1 throw new Error("Did not find exactly one match for data attribute: #{attrName} with value: #{attrValue}") all[0] ReactElementContainers = [] ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument = (element) -> container = document.createElement('div') ReactElementContainers.push(container) React.render(element, container) ReactTestUtils.unmountAll = -> for container in ReactElementContainers React.unmountComponentAtNode(container) ReactElementContainers = [] # So it passes the Utils.isTempId test window.TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID = "local-test-account-client-id" window.TEST_ACCOUNT_ID = "test-account-server-id" window.TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "tester@nylas.com" window.TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME = "Nylas Test" beforeEach -> NylasEnv.testOrganizationUnit = null Grim.clearDeprecations() if isCoreSpec ComponentRegistry._clear() global.localStorage.clear() DatabaseStore._transactionQueue = undefined TaskQueue._queue = [] TaskQueue._completed = [] TaskQueue._onlineStatus = true $.fx.off = true documentTitle = null NylasEnv.packages.serviceHub = new ServiceHub NylasEnv.keymaps.keyBindings = _.clone(keyBindingsToRestore) NylasEnv.commands.restoreSnapshot(commandsToRestore) NylasEnv.styles.restoreSnapshot(styleElementsToRestore) NylasEnv.workspaceViewParentSelector = '#jasmine-content' NylasEnv.packages.packageStates = {} serializedWindowState = null spyOn(NylasEnv, 'saveSync') TimeOverride.resetTime() TimeOverride.enableSpies() spy = spyOn(NylasEnv.packages, 'resolvePackagePath').andCallFake (packageName) -> if specPackageName and packageName is specPackageName resolvePackagePath(specPackagePath) else resolvePackagePath(packageName) resolvePackagePath = _.bind(spy.originalValue, NylasEnv.packages) # prevent specs from modifying N1's menus spyOn(NylasEnv.menu, 'sendToBrowserProcess') # Log in a fake user, and ensure that accountForId, etc. work AccountStore._index = 0 AccountStore._accounts = [ new Account({ provider: "gmail" name: TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME emailAddress: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL organizationUnit: NylasEnv.testOrganizationUnit || 'label' clientId: TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID serverId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID }) ] # reset config before each spec; don't load or save from/to `config.json` spyOn(Config::, 'load') spyOn(Config::, 'save') config = new Config({resourcePath, configDirPath: NylasEnv.getConfigDirPath()}) NylasEnv.config = config NylasEnv.loadConfig() config.set "core.destroyEmptyPanes", false config.set "editor.fontFamily", "Courier" config.set "editor.fontSize", 16 config.set "editor.autoIndent", false config.set "core.disabledPackages", ["package-that-throws-an-exception", "package-with-broken-package-json", "package-with-broken-keymap"] config.set "editor.useShadowDOM", true advanceClock(1000) config.load.reset() config.save.reset() spyOn(pathwatcher.File.prototype, "detectResurrectionAfterDelay").andCallFake -> @detectResurrection() clipboardContent = 'initial clipboard content' spyOn(clipboard, 'writeText').andCallFake (text) -> clipboardContent = text spyOn(clipboard, 'readText').andCallFake -> clipboardContent addCustomMatchers(this) TimeOverride.resetSpyData() original_log = console.log original_warn = console.warn original_error = console.error afterEach -> if console.log isnt original_log console.log = original_log if console.warn isnt original_warn console.warn = original_warn if console.error isnt original_error console.error = original_error NylasEnv.packages.deactivatePackages() NylasEnv.menu.template = [] NylasEnv.themes.removeStylesheet('global-editor-styles') delete NylasEnv.state?.packageStates $('#jasmine-content').empty() unless window.debugContent ReactTestUtils.unmountAll() jasmine.unspy(NylasEnv, 'saveSync') ensureNoPathSubscriptions() waits(0) # yield to ui thread to make screen update more frequently ensureNoPathSubscriptions = -> watchedPaths = pathwatcher.getWatchedPaths() pathwatcher.closeAllWatchers() if watchedPaths.length > 0 throw new Error("Leaking subscriptions for paths: " + watchedPaths.join(", ")) ensureNoDeprecatedFunctionsCalled = -> deprecations = Grim.getDeprecations() if deprecations.length > 0 originalPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace Error.prepareStackTrace = (error, stack) -> output = [] for deprecation in deprecations output.push "#{deprecation.originName} is deprecated. #{deprecation.message}" output.push _str.repeat("-", output[output.length - 1].length) for stack in deprecation.getStacks() for {functionName, location} in stack output.push "#{functionName} -- #{location}" output.push "" output.join("\n") error = new Error("Deprecated function(s) #{deprecations.map(({originName}) -> originName).join ', '}) were called.") error.stack Error.prepareStackTrace = originalPrepareStackTrace throw error emitObject = jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = (obj) -> if obj.inspect @append obj.inspect() else emitObject.call(this, obj) jasmine.unspy = (object, methodName) -> throw new Error("Not a spy") unless object[methodName].hasOwnProperty('originalValue') object[methodName] = object[methodName].originalValue jasmine.attachToDOM = (element) -> jasmineContent = document.querySelector('#jasmine-content') jasmineContent.appendChild(element) unless jasmineContent.contains(element) deprecationsSnapshot = null jasmine.snapshotDeprecations = -> deprecationsSnapshot = _.clone(Grim.deprecations) jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot = -> Grim.deprecations = deprecationsSnapshot addCustomMatchers = (spec) -> spec.addMatchers toBeInstanceOf: (expected) -> notText = if @isNot then " not" else "" this.message = => "Expected #{jasmine.pp(@actual)} to#{notText} be instance of #{expected.name} class" @actual instanceof expected toHaveLength: (expected) -> if not @actual? this.message = => "Expected object #{@actual} has no length method" false else notText = if @isNot then " not" else "" this.message = => "Expected object with length #{@actual.length} to#{notText} have length #{expected}" @actual.length == expected toExistOnDisk: (expected) -> notText = this.isNot and " not" or "" @message = -> return "Expected path '" + @actual + "'" + notText + " to exist." fs.existsSync(@actual) toHaveFocus: -> notText = this.isNot and " not" or "" if not document.hasFocus() console.error "Specs will fail because the Dev Tools have focus. To fix this close the Dev Tools or click the spec runner." @message = -> return "Expected element '" + @actual + "' or its descendants" + notText + " to have focus." element = @actual element = element.get(0) if element.jquery element is document.activeElement or element.contains(document.activeElement) toShow: -> notText = if @isNot then " not" else "" element = @actual element = element.get(0) if element.jquery @message = -> return "Expected element '#{element}' or its descendants#{notText} to show." element.style.display in ['block', 'inline-block', 'static', 'fixed'] window.keyIdentifierForKey = (key) -> if key.length > 1 # named key key else charCode = key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) "U+00" + charCode.toString(16) window.keydownEvent = (key, properties={}) -> originalEventProperties = {} originalEventProperties.ctrl = properties.ctrlKey originalEventProperties.alt = properties.altKey originalEventProperties.shift = properties.shiftKey originalEventProperties.cmd = properties.metaKey originalEventProperties.target = properties.target?[0] ? properties.target originalEventProperties.which = properties.which originalEvent = KeymapManager.keydownEvent(key, originalEventProperties) properties = $.extend({originalEvent}, properties) $.Event("keydown", properties) window.mouseEvent = (type, properties) -> if properties.point {point, editorView} = properties {top, left} = @pagePixelPositionForPoint(editorView, point) properties.pageX = left + 1 properties.pageY = top + 1 properties.originalEvent ?= {detail: 1} $.Event type, properties window.clickEvent = (properties={}) -> window.mouseEvent("click", properties) window.mousedownEvent = (properties={}) -> window.mouseEvent('mousedown', properties) window.mousemoveEvent = (properties={}) -> window.mouseEvent('mousemove', properties) # See docs/writing-specs.md window.waitsForPromise = (args...) -> if args.length > 1 { shouldReject, timeout } = args[0] else shouldReject = false fn = _.last(args) window.waitsFor timeout, (moveOn) -> promise = fn() # Keep in mind we can't check `promise instanceof Promise` because parts of # the app still use other Promise libraries Just see if it looks # promise-like. if not promise or not promise.then jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.fail("Expected callback to return a promise-like object, but it returned #{promise}") moveOn() else if shouldReject promise.catch(moveOn) promise.then -> jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.fail("Expected promise to be rejected, but it was resolved") moveOn() else promise.then(moveOn) promise.catch (error) -> # I don't know what `pp` does, but for standard `new Error` objects, # it sometimes returns "{ }". Catch this case and fall through to toString() msg = jasmine.pp(error) msg = error.toString() if msg is "{ }" jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.fail("Expected promise to be resolved, but it was rejected with #{msg}") moveOn() window.pagePixelPositionForPoint = (editorView, point) -> point = Point.fromObject point top = editorView.renderedLines.offset().top + point.row * editorView.lineHeight left = editorView.renderedLines.offset().left + point.column * editorView.charWidth - editorView.renderedLines.scrollLeft() { top, left }