import NylasStore from 'nylas-store'; import { Thread, Actions, ContactStore, AccountStore, DatabaseStore, ComponentRegistry, FocusedPerspectiveStore, SearchQueryParser, } from 'nylas-exports'; import SearchActions from './search-actions'; import SearchMailboxPerspective from './search-mailbox-perspective'; // Stores should closely match the needs of a particular part of the front end. // For example, we might create a "MessageStore" that observes this store // for changes in selectedThread, "DatabaseStore" for changes to the underlying database, // and vends up the array used for that view. class SearchStore extends NylasStore { constructor() { super(); this._searchQuery = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().searchQuery || ""; this._searchSuggestionsVersion = 1; this._isSearching = false; this._extensionData = [] this._clearResults(); this.listenTo(FocusedPerspectiveStore, this._onPerspectiveChanged); this.listenTo(SearchActions.querySubmitted, this._onQuerySubmitted); this.listenTo(SearchActions.queryChanged, this._onQueryChanged); this.listenTo(SearchActions.searchBlurred, this._onSearchBlurred); this.listenTo(SearchActions.searchCompleted, this._onSearchCompleted); } query() { return this._searchQuery; } queryPopulated() { return this._searchQuery && this._searchQuery.trim().length > 0; } suggestions() { return this._suggestions; } isSearching() { return this._isSearching; } _onSearchCompleted = () => { this._isSearching = false; this.trigger(); } _onPerspectiveChanged = () => { this._searchQuery = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().searchQuery || ""; this.trigger(); } _onQueryChanged = (query) => { this._searchQuery = query; if (this._searchQuery.length <= 1) { this.trigger() return } this._compileResults(); setTimeout(() => this._rebuildResults(), 0); } _onQuerySubmitted = (query) => { this._searchQuery = query; const current = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); if (this.queryPopulated()) { this._isSearching = true; if (this._perspectiveBeforeSearch == null) { this._perspectiveBeforeSearch = current; } const next = new SearchMailboxPerspective(current.accountIds, this._searchQuery.trim()); Actions.focusMailboxPerspective(next); } else if (current instanceof SearchMailboxPerspective) { if (this._perspectiveBeforeSearch) { Actions.focusMailboxPerspective(this._perspectiveBeforeSearch); this._perspectiveBeforeSearch = null; } else { Actions.focusDefaultMailboxPerspectiveForAccounts(AccountStore.accounts()); } } this._clearResults(); } _onSearchBlurred = () => { this._clearResults(); } _clearResults() { this._searchSuggestionsVersion = 1; this._threadResults = []; this._contactResults = []; this._suggestions = []; this.trigger(); } _rebuildResults() { if (!this.queryPopulated()) { this._clearResults(); return; } this._searchSuggestionsVersion += 1; const searchExtensions = ComponentRegistry.findComponentsMatching({ role: "SearchBarResults", }), (ext) => { return Promise.props({ label: ext.searchLabel(), suggestions: ext.fetchSearchSuggestions(this._searchQuery), }) }).then((extensionData = []) => { this._extensionData = extensionData; this._compileResults(); }) this._fetchThreadResults(); this._fetchContactResults(); } _fetchContactResults() { const version = this._searchSuggestionsVersion; ContactStore.searchContacts(this._searchQuery, {limit: 10}).then(contacts => { if (version !== this._searchSuggestionsVersion) { return; } this._contactResults = contacts; this._compileResults(); }); } _fetchThreadResults() { if (this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion) { return; } this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion = this._searchSuggestionsVersion; const {accountIds} = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); let dbQuery = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread).distinct() if (Array.isArray(accountIds) && accountIds.length === 1) { dbQuery = dbQuery.where({accountId: accountIds[0]}) } try { const parsedQuery = SearchQueryParser.parse(this._searchQuery); //'Successfully parsed and codegened search query', parsedQuery); dbQuery = dbQuery.structuredSearch(parsedQuery); } catch (e) { //'Failed to parse local search query, falling back to generic query', e); dbQuery =; } dbQuery = dbQuery .order(Thread.attributes.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp.descending()) //; dbQuery.background().then(results => { // We've fetched the latest thread results - display them! if (this._searchSuggestionsVersion === this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion) { this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion = null; this._threadResults = results; this._compileResults(); // We're behind and need to re-run the search for the latest results } else if (this._searchSuggestionsVersion > this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion) { this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion = null; this._fetchThreadResults(); } else { this._fetchingThreadResultsVersion = null; } } ); } _compileResults() { this._suggestions = []; this._suggestions.push({ label: `Message Contains: ${this._searchQuery}`, value: this._searchQuery, }); if (this._threadResults.length) { this._suggestions.push({divider: 'Threads'}); for (const thread of this._threadResults) { this._suggestions.push({thread}); } } if (this._contactResults.length) { this._suggestions.push({divider: 'People'}); for (const contact of this._contactResults) { this._suggestions.push({ contact: contact, value:, }); } } if (this._extensionData.length) { for (const {label, suggestions} of this._extensionData) { this._suggestions.push({divider: label}); this._suggestions = this._suggestions.concat(suggestions) } } this.trigger(); } } export default new SearchStore();