import React from 'react' import {PLUGIN_ID} from '../scheduler-constants' import ProposedTimeList from './proposed-time-list' import {Event, Actions, RegExpUtils, ComposerExtension} from 'nylas-exports' /** * Inserts the set of Proposed Times into the body of the HTML email. * */ export default class SchedulerComposerExtension extends ComposerExtension { static listRegex() { return new RegExp(/.*<\/proposed-time-list>/) } static _findInsertionPoint(body) { const checks = [ //, RegExpUtils.signatureRegex(), RegExpUtils.n1QuoteStartRegex(), ] let insertionPoint = -1 for (const check of checks) { insertionPoint =; if (insertionPoint >= 0) { break; } } if (insertionPoint === -1) { insertionPoint = body.length } return insertionPoint } static _insertInBody(body, markup) { // Remove any existing signature in the body const re = SchedulerComposerExtension.listRegex() const cleanBody = body.replace(re, ""); const insertionPoint = SchedulerComposerExtension._findInsertionPoint(cleanBody) const contentBefore = cleanBody.slice(0, insertionPoint); const contentAfter = cleanBody.slice(insertionPoint); const wrapS = "" const wrapE = "" return contentBefore + wrapS + markup + wrapE + contentAfter } static _prepareEvent(inEvent, draft, metadata) { const event = inEvent if (!event.title || event.title.length === 0) { event.title = draft.subject; } event.participants = draft.participants().map((contact) => { return { name:, email:, status: "noreply", } }) if (metadata.proposals) { event.end = null event.start = null } return event; } // We must set the `preparedEvent` to be exactly what could be posted to // the /events endpoint of the API. static _cleanEventJSON(rawJSON) { const json = rawJSON; delete json.client_id; delete; json.when = { start_time: json._start, end_time: json._end, } delete json._start delete json._end return json } static _insertProposalsIntoBody(draft, metadata) { const nextDraft = draft; if (metadata && metadata.proposals) { const el = React.createElement(ProposedTimeList, { draft: nextDraft, event: metadata.pendingEvent, inEmail: true, proposals: metadata.proposals, }); const markup = React.renderToStaticMarkup(el); const nextBody = SchedulerComposerExtension._insertInBody(nextDraft.body, markup) nextDraft.body = nextBody; } return nextDraft } static applyTransformsToDraft({draft}) { const self = SchedulerComposerExtension let nextDraft = draft.clone(); const metadata = draft.metadataForPluginId(PLUGIN_ID) if (metadata && metadata.pendingEvent) { nextDraft = self._insertProposalsIntoBody(nextDraft, metadata); const nextEvent = new Event().fromJSON(metadata.pendingEvent); const nextEventPrepared = self._prepareEvent(nextEvent, draft, metadata); metadata.pendingEvent = self._cleanEventJSON(nextEventPrepared.toJSON()); Actions.setMetadata(nextDraft, PLUGIN_ID, metadata); } return nextDraft; } static unapplyTransformsToDraft({draft}) { const nextDraft = draft.clone(); const re = SchedulerComposerExtension.listRegex() const body = nextDraft.body.replace(re, ""); nextDraft.body = body; return nextDraft } }