{Utils} = require 'nylas-exports' sanitizeHtml = require 'sanitize-html' class ClipboardService constructor: ({@onFilePaste}={}) -> onPaste: (evt) => return if evt.clipboardData.items.length is 0 evt.preventDefault() # If the pasteboard has a file on it, stream it to a teporary # file and fire our `onFilePaste` event. item = evt.clipboardData.items[0] if item.kind is 'file' blob = item.getAsFile() ext = {'image/png': '.png', 'image/jpg': '.jpg', 'image/tiff': '.tiff'}[item.type] ? '' temp = require 'temp' path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs' reader = new FileReader() reader.addEventListener 'loadend', => buffer = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(reader.result)) tmpFolder = temp.path('-nylas-attachment') tmpPath = path.join(tmpFolder, "Pasted File#{ext}") fs.mkdir tmpFolder, => fs.writeFile tmpPath, buffer, (err) => @onFilePaste?(tmpPath) reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob) else # Look for text/html in any of the clipboard items and fall # back to text/plain. inputText = evt.clipboardData.getData("text/html") ? "" type = "text/html" if inputText.length is 0 inputText = evt.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") ? "" type = "text/plain" if inputText.length > 0 cleanHtml = @_sanitizeInput(inputText, type) document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, cleanHtml) return # This is used primarily when pasting text in _sanitizeInput: (inputText="", type="text/html") => if type is "text/plain" inputText = Utils.encodeHTMLEntities(inputText) inputText = inputText.replace(/[\r\n]|[03];/g, "
"). replace(/\s\s/g, "  ") else inputText = sanitizeHtml inputText.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "
"), allowedTags: ['p', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'a', 'br', 'img', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'strike'] allowedAttributes: a: ['href', 'name'] img: ['src', 'alt'] transformTags: h1: "p" h2: "p" h3: "p" h4: "p" h5: "p" h6: "p" div: "p" pre: "p" blockquote: "p" table: "p" # We sanitized everything and convert all whitespace-inducing # elements into

tags. We want to de-wrap

tags and replace # with two line breaks instead. inputText = inputText.replace(//gim, ""). replace(/<\/p>/gi, "
") # We never want more then 2 line breaks in a row. # https://regex101.com/r/gF6bF4/4 inputText = inputText.replace(/(\s*){3,}/g, "

") # We never want to keep leading and trailing , since the user # would have started a new paragraph themselves if they wanted space # before what they paste. # BAD: "

begins at

" => "

begins at

" # Better: "

begins at

" => "begins at
12" inputText = inputText.replace(/^(
)+/, '') inputText = inputText.replace(/(
)+$/, '') return inputText module.exports = ClipboardService