DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store' Model = require '../../src/flux/models/model' ModelQuery = require '../../src/flux/models/query' Attributes = require '../../src/flux/attributes' Tag = require '../../src/flux/models/tag' _ = require 'underscore-plus' class TestModel extends Model @attributes = 'id': Attributes.String queryable: true modelKey: 'id' TestModel.configureWithAllAttributes = -> TestModel.attributes = 'datetime': Attributes.DateTime queryable: true modelKey: 'datetime' 'string': Attributes.String queryable: true modelKey: 'string' jsonKey: 'string-json-key' 'boolean': Attributes.Boolean queryable: true modelKey: 'boolean' 'number': Attributes.Number queryable: true modelKey: 'number' 'other': Attributes.String modelKey: 'other' TestModel.configureWithCollectionAttribute = -> TestModel.attributes = 'id': Attributes.String queryable: true modelKey: 'id' 'tags': Attributes.Collection queryable: true modelKey: 'tags' itemClass: Tag TestModel.configureWithJoinedDataAttribute = -> TestModel.attributes = 'id': Attributes.String queryable: true modelKey: 'id' 'body': Attributes.JoinedData modelTable: 'TestModelBody' modelKey: 'body' testMatchers = {'id': 'b'} testModelInstance = new TestModel(id: '1234') testModelInstanceA = new TestModel(id: 'AAA') testModelInstanceB = new TestModel(id: 'BBB') describe "DatabaseStore", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(ModelQuery.prototype, 'where').andCallThrough() spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'triggerSoon') @performed = [] @transactionCount = 0 # Pass spyTx() to functions that take a tx reference to log # performed queries to the @performed array. @spyTx = -> execute: (query, values, success) => @performed.push({query: query, values: values}) success() if success # Spy on the DatabaseStore and return our use spyTx() to generate # new transactions instead of using the real websql transaction. spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'inTransaction').andCallFake (options, callback) => @transactionCount += 1 callback(@spyTx()) Promise.resolve() describe "find", -> it "should return a ModelQuery for retrieving a single item by Id", -> q = DatabaseStore.find(TestModel, "4") expect(q.sql()).toBe("SELECT `TestModel`.`data` FROM `TestModel` WHERE `TestModel`.`id` = '4' LIMIT 1") describe "findBy", -> it "should pass the provided predicates on to the ModelQuery", -> matchers = {'id': 'b'} DatabaseStore.findBy(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(ModelQuery.prototype.where).toHaveBeenCalledWith(testMatchers) it "should return a ModelQuery ready to be executed", -> q = DatabaseStore.findBy(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(q.sql()).toBe("SELECT `TestModel`.`data` FROM `TestModel` WHERE `TestModel`.`id` = 'b' LIMIT 1") describe "findAll", -> it "should pass the provided predicates on to the ModelQuery", -> DatabaseStore.findAll(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(ModelQuery.prototype.where).toHaveBeenCalledWith(testMatchers) it "should return a ModelQuery ready to be executed", -> q = DatabaseStore.findAll(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(q.sql()).toBe("SELECT `TestModel`.`data` FROM `TestModel` WHERE `TestModel`.`id` = 'b' ") describe "count", -> it "should pass the provided predicates on to the ModelQuery", -> DatabaseStore.findAll(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(ModelQuery.prototype.where).toHaveBeenCalledWith(testMatchers) it "should return a ModelQuery configured for COUNT ready to be executed", -> q = DatabaseStore.findAll(TestModel, testMatchers) expect(q.sql()).toBe("SELECT `TestModel`.`data` FROM `TestModel` WHERE `TestModel`.`id` = 'b' ") describe "persistModel", -> it "should cause the DatabaseStore to trigger with a change that contains the model", -> DatabaseStore.persistModel(testModelInstance) expect(DatabaseStore.triggerSoon).toHaveBeenCalled() change = DatabaseStore.triggerSoon.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(change).toEqual({objectClass:, objects: [testModelInstance]}) it "should call through to writeModels", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'writeModels') DatabaseStore.persistModel(testModelInstance) expect(DatabaseStore.writeModels.callCount).toBe(1) describe "persistModels", -> it "should cause the DatabaseStore to trigger with a change that contains the models", -> DatabaseStore.persistModels([testModelInstanceA, testModelInstanceB]) expect(DatabaseStore.triggerSoon).toHaveBeenCalled() change = DatabaseStore.triggerSoon.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(change).toEqual objectClass:, objects: [testModelInstanceA, testModelInstanceB] it "should call through to writeModels after checking them", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'writeModels') DatabaseStore.persistModels([testModelInstanceA, testModelInstanceB]) expect(DatabaseStore.writeModels.callCount).toBe(1) it "should only open one database transaction to write all the models", -> DatabaseStore.persistModels([testModelInstanceA, testModelInstanceB]) expect(@transactionCount).toBe(1) it "should throw an exception if the models are not the same class,\ since it cannot be specified by the trigger payload", -> expect(-> DatabaseStore.persistModels([testModelInstanceA, new Tag()])).toThrow() describe "unpersistModel", -> it "should delete the model by Id", -> DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(testModelInstance) expect(@performed.length).toBe(3) expect(@performed[1].query).toBe("DELETE FROM `TestModel` WHERE `id` = ?") expect(@performed[1].values[0]).toBe('1234') it "should cause the DatabaseStore to trigger() with a change that contains the model", -> DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(testModelInstance) expect(DatabaseStore.triggerSoon).toHaveBeenCalled() change = DatabaseStore.triggerSoon.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(change).toEqual({objectClass:, objects: [testModelInstance]}) describe "when the model has collection attributes", -> it "should delete all of the elements in the join tables", -> TestModel.configureWithCollectionAttribute() DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(testModelInstance) expect(@performed.length).toBe(4) expect(@performed[2].query).toBe("DELETE FROM `TestModel-Tag` WHERE `id` = ?") expect(@performed[2].values[0]).toBe('1234') describe "when the model has joined data attributes", -> it "should delete the element in the joined data table", -> TestModel.configureWithJoinedDataAttribute() DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(testModelInstance) expect(@performed.length).toBe(4) expect(@performed[2].query).toBe("DELETE FROM `TestModelBody` WHERE `id` = ?") expect(@performed[2].values[0]).toBe('1234') describe "queriesForTableSetup", -> it "should return the queries for creating the table and indexes on queryable columns", -> TestModel.attributes = 'attrQueryable': Attributes.DateTime queryable: true modelKey: 'attrQueryable' jsonKey: 'attr_queryable' 'attrNonQueryable': Attributes.Collection modelKey: 'attrNonQueryable' jsonKey: 'attr_non_queryable' queries = DatabaseStore.queriesForTableSetup(TestModel) expected = [ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel` (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,data BLOB,attr_queryable INTEGER)', 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel_attr_queryable` ON `TestModel` (`attr_queryable`)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel_id` ON `TestModel` (`id`)' ] for query,i in queries expect(query).toBe(expected[i]) it "should correctly create join tables for models that have queryable collections", -> TestModel.configureWithCollectionAttribute() queries = DatabaseStore.queriesForTableSetup(TestModel) expected = [ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel` (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,data BLOB)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel_id` ON `TestModel` (`id`)', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel-Tag` (id TEXT KEY, `value` TEXT)' 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel_Tag_id_val` ON `TestModel-Tag` (`id`,`value`)', ] for query,i in queries expect(query).toBe(expected[i]) it "should use the correct column type for each attribute", -> TestModel.configureWithAllAttributes() queries = DatabaseStore.queriesForTableSetup(TestModel) expect(queries[0]).toBe('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `TestModel` (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,data BLOB,datetime INTEGER,string-json-key TEXT,boolean INTEGER,number INTEGER)') describe "writeModels", -> it "should compose a REPLACE INTO query to save the model", -> TestModel.configureWithCollectionAttribute() DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [testModelInstance]) expect(@performed[0].query).toBe("REPLACE INTO `TestModel` (id,data) VALUES (?,?)") it "should save the model JSON into the data column", -> DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [testModelInstance]) expect(@performed[0].values[1]).toEqual(JSON.stringify(testModelInstance)) describe "when the model defines additional queryable attributes", -> beforeEach -> TestModel.configureWithAllAttributes() @m = new TestModel id: 'local-6806434c-b0cd' datetime: new Date() string: 'hello world', boolean: true, number: 15 it "should populate additional columns defined by the attributes", -> DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [@m]) expect(@performed[0].query).toBe("REPLACE INTO `TestModel` (id,data,datetime,string-json-key,boolean,number) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)") it "should use the JSON-form values of the queryable attributes", -> json = @m.toJSON() DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [@m]) values = @performed[0].values expect(values[2]).toEqual(json['datetime']) expect(values[3]).toEqual(json['string-json-key']) expect(values[4]).toEqual(json['boolean']) expect(values[5]).toEqual(json['number']) describe "when the model has collection attributes", -> beforeEach -> TestModel.configureWithCollectionAttribute() @m = new TestModel(id: 'local-6806434c-b0cd') @m.tags = [new Tag(id: 'a'),new Tag(id: 'b')] DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [@m]) it "should delete all association records for the model from join tables", -> expect(@performed[1].query).toBe('DELETE FROM `TestModel-Tag` WHERE `id` IN (\'local-6806434c-b0cd\')') it "should insert new association records into join tables in a single query", -> expect(@performed[2].query).toBe('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO `TestModel-Tag` (`id`, `value`) VALUES (?,?),(?,?)') expect(@performed[2].values).toEqual(['local-6806434c-b0cd', 'a','local-6806434c-b0cd', 'b']) describe "when the model has joined data attributes", -> beforeEach -> TestModel.configureWithJoinedDataAttribute() it "should write the value to the joined table if it is defined", -> @m = new TestModel(id: 'local-6806434c-b0cd', body: 'hello world') DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [@m]) expect(@performed[1].query).toBe('REPLACE INTO `TestModelBody` (`id`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)') expect(@performed[1].values).toEqual([, @m.body]) it "should not write the valeu to the joined table if it undefined", -> @m = new TestModel(id: 'local-6806434c-b0cd') DatabaseStore.writeModels(@spyTx(), [@m]) expect(@performed.length).toBe(1)