# Nylas Mail This is a collection of all components required to run Nylas Mail. 1. [**Isomorphic Core**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/isomorphic-core): Shared code across local client and cloud servers 1. [**Client App**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/client-app): The main Electron app for Nylas Mail mirrored to open source repo. 1. [**Client Sync**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/client-sync): The local mailsync engine integreated in Nylas Mail 1. [**Client Private Plugins**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/client-private-plugins): Private Nylas Mail plugins (like SFDC) 1. [**Cloud API**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/cloud-api): The cloud-based auth and metadata APIs for N1 1. [**Cloud Core**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/cloud-core): Shared code used in all remote cloud services 1. [**Cloud Workers**](https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail-all/tree/master/packages/cloud-workers): Cloud workers for services like send later See `/packages` for the separate pieces. Each folder in `/packages` is designed to be its own stand-alone repository. They are all bundled here for the ease of source control management. # Initial Setup for All Local & Cloud Services: ## New Computer (Mac): 1. Install [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/) 1. Install [NVM](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) & Redis `brew install nvm redis` 1. Install Node 6 via NVM: `nvm install 6` ## New Computer (Linux - Debian/Ubuntu): 1. Install Node 6+ via NodeSource (trusted): 1. `curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -` 1. `sudo apt-get install -y nodejs` 1. Install Redis locally `sudo apt-get install -y redis-server redis-tools` benefit of letting us use subdomains. # Running Nylas Mail 1. `npm install` (Only on fresh install and new packages) 1. `npm run start-client`: Starts Electron app client 1. `npm run start-cloud`: Starts cloud API locally