React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
{Actions,ComponentRegistry, WorkspaceStore} = require "nylas-exports"
RetinaImg = require './components/retina-img'
Flexbox = require './components/flexbox'
InjectedComponentSet = require './components/injected-component-set'
ResizableRegion = require './components/resizable-region'
FLEX = 10000
class Sheet extends React.Component
@displayName = 'Sheet'
@propTypes =
data: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
depth: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
onColumnSizeChanged: React.PropTypes.func
sheetDepth: React.PropTypes.number
getChildContext: =>
sheetDepth: @props.depth
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
componentDidMount: =>
@unlisteners ?= []
@unlisteners.push ComponentRegistry.listen (event) =>
@unlisteners.push WorkspaceStore.listen (event) =>
componentDidUpdate: =>
@props.onColumnSizeChanged(@) if @props.onColumnSizeChanged
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not _.isEqual(nextProps, @props) or not _.isEqual(nextState, @state)
componentWillUnmount: =>
unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners
render: =>
style =
zIndex: 1
# Note - setting the z-index of the sheet is important, even though it's
# always 1. Assigning a z-index creates a "stacking context" in the browser,
# so z-indexes inside the sheet are relative to each other, but something in
# one sheet cannot be on top of something in another sheet.
_columnFlexboxElements: => ({maxWidth, minWidth, handle, location}, idx) =>
if minWidth != maxWidth and maxWidth < FLEX
@props.onColumnSizeChanged(@) }
style =
height: '100%'
if maxWidth < FLEX
style.width = maxWidth
style.flex = 1
_getStateFromStores: =>
state =
mode: WorkspaceStore.layoutMode()
columns: []
widest = -1
widestWidth = -1
for location, idx in[state.mode]
continue if WorkspaceStore.isLocationHidden(location)
entries = ComponentRegistry.findComponentsMatching({location: location, mode: state.mode})
maxWidth = _.reduce entries, ((m,component) -> Math.min(component.containerStyles?.maxWidth ? 10000, m)), 10000
minWidth = _.reduce entries, ((m,component) -> Math.max(component.containerStyles?.minWidth ? 0, m)), 0
col = {maxWidth, minWidth, location}
if maxWidth > widestWidth
widestWidth = maxWidth
widest = idx
if state.columns.length > 0
# Once we've accumulated all the React components for the columns,
# ensure that at least one column has a huge max-width so that the columns
# expand to fill the window. This may make items in the column unhappy, but
# we pick the column with the highest max-width so the effect is minimal.
state.columns[widest].maxWidth = FLEX
# Assign flexible edges based on whether items are to the left or right
# of the flexible column (which has no edges)
state.columns[i].handle = ResizableRegion.Handle.Right for i in [0..widest-1] by 1
state.columns[i].handle = ResizableRegion.Handle.Left for i in [widest..state.columns.length-1] by 1
_pop: =>
module.exports = Sheet