import React from 'react' import { Event, Calendar, APIError, NylasAPI, DraftStore, DatabaseStore, } from 'nylas-exports' import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit' import {PLUGIN_ID, PLUGIN_NAME} from '../scheduler-constants' export default class SchedulerComposerButton extends React.Component { static displayName = "SchedulerComposerButton"; static propTypes = { draftClientId: React.PropTypes.string, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {enabled: false}; this._session = null; this._mounted = false; this._unsubscribes = []; } componentDidMount() { this._mounted = true; this.handleProps() } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { this.handleProps(newProps); } handleProps(newProps = null) { const props = newProps || this.props; DraftStore.sessionForClientId(props.draftClientId).then(session => { // Only run if things are still relevant: component is mounted // and draftClientIds still match const idIsCurrent = newProps ? true : this.props.draftClientId === session.draftClientId; if (this._mounted && idIsCurrent) { this._session = session; const unsub = session.listen(this._onDraftChange.bind(this)); this._unsubscribes.push(unsub); this._onDraftChange(); } }); } _onDraftChange() { const draft = this._session.draft(); this.setState({ enabled: && > 0, }); } _onClick = () => { if (!this._session) { return } const draft = this._session.draft() if ( === 0) { // API can only handle one event NylasAPI.authPlugin(PLUGIN_ID, PLUGIN_NAME, draft.accountId) .then(() => { DatabaseStore.findAll(Calendar, {accountId: draft.accountId}) .then((allCalendars) => { if (allCalendars.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Can't create an event. The Account \ ${draft.accountId} has no calendars.`); } const cals = allCalendars.filter(c => !c.readOnly); if (cals.length === 0) { NylasEnv.showErrorDialog(`This account has no editable \ calendars. We can't create an event for you. Please make sure you have an \ editable calendar with your account provider.`); return; } // TODO Have a default calendar config const event = new Event({calendarId: cals[0].id}); this._session.changes.add({events: [event]}); this._session.changes.commit() }) }).catch((error) => { let title = "Error" let msg = `Unfortunately scheduling is not currently available. \ Please try again later.\n\nError: ${error}` if (!(error instanceof APIError)) { NylasEnv.reportError(error); } else if (error.statusCode === 400) { NylasEnv.reportError(error); } else if (NylasAPI.TimeoutErrorCodes.includes(error.statusCode)) { title = "Offline" msg = `Scheduling does not work offline. Please try again when you come back online.` } NylasEnv.showErrorDialog({title, message: msg}); }) } } render() { return ( ) } }