/* eslint quote-props: 0 */ import _ from 'underscore'; import Model from '../src/flux/models/model'; import Attributes from '../src/flux/attributes'; import DatabaseObjectRegistry from '../src/registries/database-object-registry'; class GoodTest extends Model { static attributes = Object.assign({}, Model.attributes, { foo: Attributes.String({ modelKey: 'foo', jsonKey: 'foo', }), }); } describe('DatabaseObjectRegistry', function DatabaseObjectRegistrySpecs() { beforeEach(() => DatabaseObjectRegistry.unregister('GoodTest')); it('can register constructors', () => { const testFn = () => GoodTest; expect(() => DatabaseObjectRegistry.register('GoodTest', testFn)).not.toThrow(); expect(DatabaseObjectRegistry.get('GoodTest')).toBe(GoodTest); }); it('Tests if a constructor is in the registry', () => { DatabaseObjectRegistry.register('GoodTest', () => GoodTest); expect(DatabaseObjectRegistry.isInRegistry('GoodTest')).toBe(true); }); it('deserializes the objects for a constructor', () => { DatabaseObjectRegistry.register('GoodTest', () => GoodTest); const obj = DatabaseObjectRegistry.deserialize('GoodTest', { foo: 'bar' }); expect(obj instanceof GoodTest).toBe(true); expect(obj.foo).toBe('bar'); }); it("throws an error if the object can't be deserialized", () => expect(() => DatabaseObjectRegistry.deserialize('GoodTest', { foo: 'bar' })).toThrow()); });