_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react/addons'
{Utils} = require 'nylas-exports'
classNames = require 'classnames'
The ScrollRegion component attaches a custom scrollbar.
class ScrollRegion extends React.Component
@displayName: "ScrollRegion"
onScroll: React.PropTypes.func
onScrollEnd: React.PropTypes.func
className: React.PropTypes.string
scrollTooltipComponent: React.PropTypes.func
children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([React.PropTypes.element, React.PropTypes.array])
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
viewportHeight: 0
viewportScrollTop: 0
dragging: false
scrolling: false
Object.defineProperty(@, 'scrollTop', {
get: -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop
set: (val) -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop = val
componentDidMount: =>
componentWillUnmount: =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) =>
# Because this component renders @props.children, it needs to update
# on props.children changes. Unfortunately, computing isEqual on the
# @props.children tree extremely expensive. Just let React's algorithm do it's work.
render: =>
containerClasses = "#{@props.className ? ''} " + classNames
'scroll-region': true
'dragging': @state.dragging
'scrolling': @state.scrolling
otherProps = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
tooltip = []
if @props.scrollTooltipComponent
tooltip = <@props.scrollTooltipComponent viewportCenter={@state.viewportScrollTop + @state.viewportHeight / 2} totalHeight={@state.totalHeight} />
# Public: Scroll to the DOM Node provided.
scrollTo: (node) =>
container = React.findDOMNode(@)
adjustment = Utils.scrollAdjustmentToMakeNodeVisibleInContainer(node, container)
@scrollTop += adjustment if adjustment isnt 0
_scrollbarWrapStyles: =>
top: 0
bottom: 0
right: 0
zIndex: 2
_scrollbarHandleStyles: =>
handleHeight = @_getHandleHeight()
handleTop = (@state.viewportScrollTop / (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight)) * (@state.trackHeight - handleHeight)
height: handleHeight
top: handleTop
_getHandleHeight: =>
Math.min(@state.totalHeight, Math.max(40, (@state.trackHeight / @state.totalHeight) * @state.trackHeight))
_recomputeDimensions: ({avoidForcingLayout} = {}) =>
return unless @refs.content
contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content)
trackNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track)
viewportScrollTop = contentNode.scrollTop
# While we're scrolling, calls to contentNode.scrollHeight / clientHeight
# force the browser to immediately flush any DOM changes and compute the
# height of the node. This hurts performance and also kind of unnecessary,
# since it's unlikely these values will change while scrolling.
if avoidForcingLayout
totalHeight = @state.totalHeight ? contentNode.scrollHeight
trackHeight = @state.trackHeight ? contentNode.scrollHeight
viewportHeight = @state.viewportHeight ? contentNode.clientHeight
totalHeight = contentNode.scrollHeight
trackHeight = trackNode.clientHeight
viewportHeight = contentNode.clientHeight
if @state.totalHeight != totalHeight or
@state.trackHeight != trackHeight or
@state.viewportHeight != viewportHeight or
@state.viewportScrollTop != viewportScrollTop
@setState({totalHeight, trackHeight, viewportScrollTop, viewportHeight})
_onHandleDown: (event) =>
handleNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.handle)
@_trackOffset = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track).getBoundingClientRect().top
@_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = event.pageY - handleNode.getBoundingClientRect().top
window.addEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove)
window.addEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp)
@setState(dragging: true)
_onHandleMove: (event) =>
trackY = event.pageY - @_trackOffset - @_mouseOffsetWithinHandle
trackPxToViewportPx = (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight) / (@state.trackHeight - @_getHandleHeight())
contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content)
contentNode.scrollTop = trackY * trackPxToViewportPx
_onHandleUp: (event) =>
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove)
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp)
@setState(dragging: false)
_onHandleClick: (event) =>
# Avoid event propogating up to track
_onScrollJump: (event) =>
@_trackOffset = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track).getBoundingClientRect().top
@_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = @_getHandleHeight() / 2
_onScroll: (event) =>
if not @state.scrolling
@setState(scrolling: true)
@_recomputeDimensions({avoidForcingLayout: true})
@_onScrollEnd ?= _.debounce =>
@setState(scrolling: false)
, 250
module.exports = ScrollRegion