{Utils, React, FocusedContactsStore, AccountStore, Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' {RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit' FeedbackActions = require './feedback-actions' class FeedbackButton extends React.Component @displayName: 'FeedbackButton' constructor: (@props) -> @state = {newMessages: false} componentDidMount: => @_unsubs = [] @_unsubs.push Actions.sendFeedback.listen(@_onSendFeedback) @_unsubs.push FeedbackActions.feedbackAvailable.listen(@_onFeedbackAvailable) componentWillUnmount: => unsub() for unsub in @_unsubs render: =>
_getClassName: => return "btn-feedback" + if @state.newMessages then " newmsg" else "" _onFeedbackAvailable: => @setState(newMessages: true) _onSendFeedback: => return if atom.inSpecMode() BrowserWindow = require('remote').require('browser-window') Screen = require('remote').require('screen') path = require 'path' qs = require 'querystring' @setState(newMessages: false) if window.feedbackWindow? window.feedbackWindow.show() else account = AccountStore.current() params = qs.stringify({ name: account.name email: account.emailAddress accountId: account.id accountProvider: account.provider platform: process.platform provider: account.displayProvider() organizational_unit: account.organizationUnit version: atom.getVersion() }) parentBounds = atom.getCurrentWindow().getBounds() parentScreen = Screen.getDisplayMatching(parentBounds) width = 376 height = Math.min(550, parentBounds.height) x = Math.min(parentScreen.workAreaSize.width - width, Math.max(0, parentBounds.x + parentBounds.width - 36 - width / 2)) y = Math.max(0, (parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height) - height - 60) window.feedbackWindow = w = new BrowserWindow 'node-integration': false, 'web-preferences': {'web-security':false}, 'x': x 'y': y 'width': width, 'height': height, 'title': 'Feedback' onOpenURL = (event, href) -> shell = require 'shell' shell.openExternal(href) event.preventDefault() # Disable window close, hide instead w.on 'close', (event) -> # inside the window we prevent close - here we route close to hide event.preventDefault() # this does nothing, contrary to the docs w.hide() w.on 'closed', (event) -> # if the window does get closed, clear our ref to it window.feedbackWindow = null w.webContents.on('new-window', onOpenURL) w.webContents.on('will-navigate', onOpenURL) url = path.join __dirname, '..', 'feedback.html' w.loadUrl("file://#{url}?#{params}") w.show() module.exports = FeedbackButton