React = require 'react' {Actions, ThreadStore} = require 'inbox-exports' {RetinaImg} = require 'ui-components' # Note: These always have a thread, but only sometimes get a # message, depending on where in the UI they are being displayed. ReplyButton = React.createClass render: -> _onReply: (e) -> Actions.composeReply(threadId: ThreadStore.selectedId()) e.stopPropagation() ReplyAllButton = React.createClass render: -> _onReplyAll: (e) -> Actions.composeReplyAll(threadId: ThreadStore.selectedId()) e.stopPropagation() ForwardButton = React.createClass render: -> _onForward: (e) -> Actions.composeForward(threadId: ThreadStore.selectedId()) e.stopPropagation() ArchiveButton = React.createClass render: -> _onArchive: (e) -> # Calling archive() sends an Actions.queueTask with an archive task # TODO Turn into an Action ThreadStore.selectedThread().archive() e.stopPropagation() module.exports = React.createClass getInitialState: -> threadIsSelected: false render: -> classes = React.addons.classSet "message-toolbar-items": true "hidden": !@state.threadIsSelected
componentDidMount: -> @_unsubscribers = [] @_unsubscribers.push ThreadStore.listen @_onChange componentWillUnmount: -> unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @_unsubscribers _onChange: -> @setState threadIsSelected: ThreadStore.selectedId()?