import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Actions, DatabaseStore, Message } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { RetinaImg } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import SendRemindersPopover from './send-reminders-popover'; import { updateReminderMetadata, reminderDateFor } from './send-reminders-utils'; export default class SendRemindersPopoverButton extends Component { static displayName = 'SendRemindersPopoverButton'; static propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, thread: PropTypes.object, direction: PropTypes.string, getBoundingClientRect: PropTypes.func, }; static defaultProps = { direction: 'down', className: 'btn btn-toolbar', getBoundingClientRect: inst => ReactDOM.findDOMNode(inst).getBoundingClientRect(), }; onSetReminder = async expiration => { const { thread } = this.props; // get the messages on the thread and find the last one received. // we need to identify the message which will show the reminder DatabaseStore.findAll(Message, { threadId: }).then(messages => { const lastSent = messages.reverse().find(m => m.isFromMe()); const metadata = expiration ? { expiration, shouldNotify: false, sentHeaderMessageId: lastSent ? lastSent.headerMessageId : null, lastReplyTimestamp: new Date(thread.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp).getTime() / 1000, } : {}; updateReminderMetadata(thread, metadata); Actions.closePopover(); }); }; onClick = event => { event.stopPropagation(); const { direction, thread, getBoundingClientRect } = this.props; const reminderDate = reminderDateFor(thread); const buttonRect = getBoundingClientRect(this); Actions.openPopover( this.onSetReminder(date)} onCancelReminder={() => this.onSetReminder(null)} />, { originRect: buttonRect, direction } ); }; render() { const { className, thread } = this.props; const reminderDate = reminderDateFor(thread); const title = reminderDate ? 'Edit reminder' : 'Set reminder'; return ( ); } }