import moment from 'moment'; import { Actions, TaskQueue, TaskFactory, DatabaseStore, Folder, Thread, FolderSyncProgressStore, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import * as SnoozeUtils from '../lib/snooze-utils'; xdescribe('Snooze Utils', function snoozeUtils() { beforeEach(() => { = 'Snoozed Folder'; this.accId = 123; spyOn(FolderSyncProgressStore, 'whenCategoryListSynced').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); }); describe('snoozedUntilMessage', () => { it('returns correct message if no snooze date provided', () => { expect(SnoozeUtils.snoozedUntilMessage()).toEqual('Snoozed'); }); describe('when less than 24 hours from now', () => { it('returns correct message if snoozeDate is on the hour of the clock', () => { const now9AM = window .testNowMoment() .hour(9) .minute(0); const tomorrowAt8 = moment(now9AM) .add(1, 'day') .hour(8); const result = SnoozeUtils.snoozedUntilMessage(tomorrowAt8, now9AM); expect(result).toEqual('Snoozed until 8 AM'); }); it('returns correct message if snoozeDate otherwise', () => { const now9AM = window .testNowMoment() .hour(9) .minute(0); const snooze10AM = moment(now9AM) .hour(10) .minute(5); const result = SnoozeUtils.snoozedUntilMessage(snooze10AM, now9AM); expect(result).toEqual('Snoozed until 10:05 AM'); }); }); describe('when more than 24 hourse from now', () => { it('returns correct message if snoozeDate is on the hour of the clock', () => { // Jan 1 const now9AM = window .testNowMoment() .month(0) .date(1) .hour(9) .minute(0); const tomorrowAt10 = moment(now9AM) .add(1, 'day') .hour(10); const result = SnoozeUtils.snoozedUntilMessage(tomorrowAt10, now9AM); expect(result).toEqual('Snoozed until Jan 2, 10 AM'); }); it('returns correct message if snoozeDate otherwise', () => { // Jan 1 const now9AM = window .testNowMoment() .month(0) .date(1) .hour(9) .minute(0); const tomorrowAt930 = moment(now9AM) .add(1, 'day') .minute(30); const result = SnoozeUtils.snoozedUntilMessage(tomorrowAt930, now9AM); expect(result).toEqual('Snoozed until Jan 2, 9:30 AM'); }); }); }); describe('moveThreads', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.description = 'Snoozin'; this.snoozeCatsByAccount = { 123: new Folder({ accountId: 123, displayName:, id: 'sr-1' }), 321: new Folder({ accountId: 321, displayName:, id: 'sr-2' }), }; this.inboxCatsByAccount = { 123: new Folder({ accountId: 123, name: 'inbox', id: 'sr-3' }), 321: new Folder({ accountId: 321, name: 'inbox', id: 'sr-4' }), }; this.threads = [ new Thread({ accountId: 123 }), new Thread({ accountId: 123 }), new Thread({ accountId: 321 }), ]; this.getInboxCat = accId => [this.inboxCatsByAccount[accId]]; this.getSnoozeCat = accId => [this.snoozeCatsByAccount[accId]]; spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'modelify').andReturn(Promise.resolve(this.threads)); spyOn(TaskFactory, 'tasksForApplyingCategories').andReturn([]); spyOn(TaskQueue, 'waitForPerformRemote').andReturn(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(Actions, 'queueTasks'); }); it('creates the tasks to move threads correctly when snoozing', () => { const snooze = true; const description = this.description; waitsForPromise(() => { return SnoozeUtils.moveThreads(this.threads, { snooze, description, getInboxCategory: this.getInboxCat, getSnoozeCategory: this.getSnoozeCat, }).then(() => { expect(TaskFactory.tasksForApplyingCategories).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.queueTasks).toHaveBeenCalled(); const { threads, categoriesToAdd, categoriesToRemove, taskDescription, } = TaskFactory.tasksForApplyingCategories.calls[0].args[0]; expect(threads).toBe(this.threads); expect(categoriesToRemove('123')[0]).toBe(this.inboxCatsByAccount['123']); expect(categoriesToRemove('321')[0]).toBe(this.inboxCatsByAccount['321']); expect(categoriesToAdd('123')[0]).toBe(this.snoozeCatsByAccount['123']); expect(categoriesToAdd('321')[0]).toBe(this.snoozeCatsByAccount['321']); expect(taskDescription).toEqual(description); }); }); }); it('creates the tasks to move threads correctly when unsnoozing', () => { const snooze = false; const description = this.description; waitsForPromise(() => { return SnoozeUtils.moveThreads(this.threads, { snooze, description, getInboxCategory: this.getInboxCat, getSnoozeCategory: this.getSnoozeCat, }).then(() => { expect(TaskFactory.tasksForApplyingCategories).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.queueTasks).toHaveBeenCalled(); const { threads, categoriesToAdd, categoriesToRemove, taskDescription, } = TaskFactory.tasksForApplyingCategories.calls[0].args[0]; expect(threads).toBe(this.threads); expect(categoriesToAdd('123')[0]).toBe(this.inboxCatsByAccount['123']); expect(categoriesToAdd('321')[0]).toBe(this.inboxCatsByAccount['321']); expect(categoriesToRemove('123')[0]).toBe(this.snoozeCatsByAccount['123']); expect(categoriesToRemove('321')[0]).toBe(this.snoozeCatsByAccount['321']); expect(taskDescription).toEqual(description); }); }); }); }); });