InjectedComponentSet extends React.Component


InjectedComponent makes it easy to include a set of dynamically registered components inside of your React render method. Rather than explicitly render an array of buttons, for example, you can use InjectedComponentSet:

<InjectedComponentSet className="message-actions"
                  matching={role: 'ThreadActionButton'}
                  exposedProps={thread:@props.thread, message:@props.message}>

InjectedComponentSet will look up components registered for the location you provide, render them inside a Flexbox and pass them exposedProps. By default, all injected children are rendered inside UnsafeComponent wrappers to prevent third-party code from throwing exceptions that break React renders.

InjectedComponentSet monitors the ComponentRegistry for changes. If a new component is registered into the location you provide, InjectedComponentSet will re-render.

If no matching components is found, the InjectedComponent renders an empty span.

Class Properties


React props supported by InjectedComponentSet:


Pass an Object with ComponentRegistry descriptors This set of descriptors is provided to ComponentRegistry::findComponentsForDescriptor to retrieve components for display.

className Optional

A String class name for the containing element.

children Optional

Any React elements rendered inside the InjectedComponentSet will always be displayed.

exposedProps Optional

An Object with props that will be passed to each item rendered into the set.

containersRequired Optional

. Pass false to optionally remove the containers placed around injected components to isolate them from the rest of the app.

Any other props you provide, such as direction, data-column, etc. will be applied to the Flexbox rendered by the InjectedComponentSet.