#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs');
var verifyRequirements = require('./utils/verify-requirements');
var safeExec = require('./utils/child-process-wrapper.js').safeExec;
var path = require('path');

// Executes an array of commands one by one.
function executeCommands(commands, done, index) {
  index = (index == undefined ? 0 : index);
  if (index < commands.length) {
    var command = commands[index];
    if (command.message)
    var options = null;
    if (typeof command !== 'string') {
      options = command.options;
      command = command.command;
    safeExec(command, options, executeCommands.bind(this, commands, done, index + 1));

function printArgs(args) {
  out = "";
  for(key in args) {
    out += "--"+key+"="+args[key]+" ";
  return out;

function bootstrap() {
  var apmInstallPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm');
  if (!fs.existsSync(apmInstallPath))
  if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(apmInstallPath, 'node_modules')))
    fs.mkdirSync(path.join(apmInstallPath, 'node_modules'));

  var apmPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', 'apm')
  var apmFlags = process.env.JANKY_SHA1 || process.argv.indexOf('--no-color') !== -1 ? ' --no-color' : '';

  var npmPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'npm');
  var initialNpmCommand = fs.existsSync(npmPath) ? npmPath : 'npm';
  var npmFlags = ' --userconfig=' + path.resolve('.npmrc') + ' ';

  var packagesToDedupe = ['fs-plus', 'humanize-plus', 'oniguruma', 'roaster', 'season', 'grim'];

  var buildInstallCommand = initialNpmCommand + npmFlags + 'install';
  var buildInstallOptions = {cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build')};
  var apmInstallCommand = npmPath + npmFlags + 'install';
  var apmInstallOptions = {cwd: apmInstallPath};
  var moduleInstallCommand = apmPath + ' install' + apmFlags;
  var dedupeApmCommand = apmPath + ' dedupe' + apmFlags;
  var semverOptions = {cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager')};

  if (process.argv.indexOf('--no-quiet') === -1) {
    buildInstallCommand  += ' --loglevel error';
    apmInstallCommand    += ' --loglevel error';
    moduleInstallCommand += ' --loglevel error';
    dedupeApmCommand     += ' --quiet';
    buildInstallOptions.ignoreStdout = true;
    apmInstallOptions.ignoreStdout = true;

  // apm ships with 32-bit node so make sure its native modules are compiled
  // for a 32-bit target architecture
  if (process.env.JANKY_SHA1 && process.platform === 'win32')
    apmInstallCommand += ' --arch=ia32';

  m1  = "---> Installing Edgehill build tools\n"
  m1 += "     This goes inside the `build` folder and runs `npm install`\n"
  m1 += "     It will use the system `npm` to bootstrap our own Edgehill npm.\n"
  m1 += "     Our build tools (like Grunt) need to be compiled against Node via `npm`.\n"
  m1 += "     Everything else needs to be compiled against Chromium with `apm`.\n\n"
  m1 += "     $ "+buildInstallCommand+" "+printArgs(buildInstallOptions)+"\n"

  m2  = "---> Installing apm\n"
  m2 += "     This installs apm via Edgehill's `npm`\n"
  m2 += "     We use this local apm copy to install all Edgehill dependencies & packages\n\n"
  m2 += "     $ "+apmInstallCommand+" "+printArgs(apmInstallOptions)+"\n"

  m3  = "---> Cleaning apm via `apm clean`\n"

  m4  = "---> Installing Edgehill dependencies & packages via `apm install`\n\n"
  m4 += "     $ "+moduleInstallCommand+"\n"

  m5  = "---> De-duping packages `apm clean`\n\n"
  m5 += "     $ apm "+packagesToDedupe.join(' ')+"\n"

  m6  = "---> Request version `apm clean`\n\n"
  m6 += "     $ apm request semver "+printArgs(semverOptions)+"\n"

  m7  = "---> Getting latest Atom Shell\n\n"
  m7 += "     $ build/node_modules/.bin/grunt download-atom-shell --gruntfile build/Gruntfile.coffee\n"

  var commands = [
      command: buildInstallCommand,
      message: m1,
      options: buildInstallOptions
      command: apmInstallCommand,
      message: m2,
      options: apmInstallOptions
      command: apmPath + ' clean' + apmFlags,
      message: m3
      command: moduleInstallCommand,
      message: m4
      command: dedupeApmCommand + ' ' + packagesToDedupe.join(' '),
      message: m5
      command: dedupeApmCommand + ' request semver',
      message: m6,
      options: semverOptions
      command: 'grunt download-atom-shell --gruntfile ./build/Gruntfile.coffee',
      message: m7

  executeCommands(commands, process.exit);

verifyRequirements(function(error, successMessage) {
  if (error) {
