[ { "account_id": "743w8dzcwkpc0rkfnxmo7y6rn", "bcc": [], "body": "
Hi All!

Steffi and I were talking tonight about how it would be great to get everyone together for some sort of BBQ or picnic in Golden Gate Park this long weekend.

BBQ == if we can reserve a grill. 
Picnic == if we can't get a grill.

Either way, Hellman's Hollow is a great spot for us to congregate for this said event. 

Now, we just need to figure out what day people want to do this BBQ or Picnic thing (Sat? Sun? Mon?). 

Please fill out the doodle: http://doodle.com/prbvazr6sdzcgnvm

The sooner the better so we can call to try to reserve a grill.
", "cc": [], "date": 1443843359, "events": [], "files": [], "from": [ { "email": "christie@gmail.com", "name": "Christie Zhao" } ], "id": "1ftt9yiowviw5ywge7fm4m2ow", "labels": [ { "display_name": "Important", "id": "cpimvyt4yhzgif0vxjytvafy4", "name": "important" }, { "display_name": "Inbox", "id": "88i72euk07ody1d0c8m8c7qk7", "name": "inbox" }, { "display_name": "All Mail", "id": "er7ed7zo00k3itzn5f39hmlnr", "name": "all" } ], "object": "message", "reply_to": [], "starred": false, "snippet": "Hi All! - Steffi and I were talking tonight about how it would be great to get everyone together for some sort of BBQ or picnic in Golden Gate Park this long weekend.", "subject": "Labor Day (potential) BBQ or Picnic", "thread_id": "czylw25z2q2y9zy93hl9hcv4k", "to": [ { "email": "nora@nylas.com", "name": "Nora Goldman" }, { "email": "ben@gmail.com", "name": "Ben" }, { "email": "kevin@nylas.com", "name": "Kevin" } ], "unread": true } ]