Model = require '../../src/flux/models/model' Utils = require '../../src/flux/models/utils' Attributes = require('../../src/flux/attributes').default {isTempId} = require '../../src/flux/models/utils' _ = require 'underscore' describe "Model", -> describe "constructor", -> it "should accept a hash of attributes and assign them to the new Model", -> attrs = id: "A", accountId: "B" m = new Model(attrs) expect( expect(m.accountId).toBe(attrs.accountId) it "by default assigns things passed into the id constructor to the serverId", -> attrs = id: "A", m = new Model(attrs) expect(m.serverId).toBe( it "by default assigns values passed into the id constructor that look like localIds to be a localID", -> attrs = id: "A", m = new Model(attrs) expect(m.serverId).toBe( it "assigns serverIds and clientIds", -> attrs = clientId: "local-A", serverId: "A", m = new Model(attrs) expect(m.serverId).toBe(attrs.serverId) expect(m.clientId).toBe(attrs.clientId) expect( it "throws an error if you attempt to manually assign the id", -> m = new Model(id: "foo") expect( -> = "bar" ).toThrow() it "automatically assigns a clientId (and id) to the model if no id is provided", -> m = new Model expect(Utils.isTempId( true expect(Utils.isTempId(m.clientId)).toBe true expect(m.serverId).toBeUndefined() describe "attributes", -> it "should return the attributes of the class EXCEPT the id field", -> m = new Model() retAttrs = _.clone(m.constructor.attributes) delete retAttrs["id"] expect(m.attributes()).toEqual(retAttrs) describe "clone", -> it "should return a deep copy of the object", -> class SubSubmodel extends Model @attributes: _.extend {}, Model.attributes, 'value': Attributes.Number modelKey: 'value' jsonKey: 'value' class Submodel extends Model @attributes: _.extend {}, Model.attributes, 'testNumber': Attributes.Number modelKey: 'testNumber' jsonKey: 'test_number' 'testArray': Attributes.Collection itemClass: SubSubmodel modelKey: 'testArray' jsonKey: 'test_array' old = new Submodel(testNumber: 4, testArray: [new SubSubmodel(value: 2), new SubSubmodel(value: 6)]) clone = old.clone() # Check entire trees are equivalent expect(old.toJSON()).toEqual(clone.toJSON()) # Check object identity has changed expect( expect(old.testArray).not.toBe(clone.testArray) # Check classes expect(old.testArray[0]).not.toBe(clone.testArray[0]) expect(old.testArray[0][0] describe "fromJSON", -> beforeEach -> class SubmodelItem extends Model class Submodel extends Model @attributes: _.extend {}, Model.attributes, 'testNumber': Attributes.Number modelKey: 'testNumber' jsonKey: 'test_number' 'testBoolean': Attributes.Boolean modelKey: 'testBoolean' jsonKey: 'test_boolean' 'testCollection': Attributes.Collection modelKey: 'testCollection' jsonKey: 'test_collection' itemClass: SubmodelItem @json = 'id': '1234' 'test_number': 4 'test_boolean': true 'daysOld': 4 'account_id': 'bla' @m = new Submodel it "should assign attribute values by calling through to attribute fromJSON functions", -> spyOn(Model.attributes.accountId, 'fromJSON').andCallFake (json) -> 'inflated value!' @m.fromJSON(@json) expect(Model.attributes.accountId.fromJSON.callCount).toBe 1 expect(@m.accountId).toBe('inflated value!') it "should not touch attributes that are missing in the json", -> @m.fromJSON(@json) expect(@m.object).toBe(undefined) @m.object = 'abc' @m.fromJSON(@json) expect(@m.object).toBe('abc') it "should not do anything with extra JSON keys", -> @m.fromJSON(@json) expect(@m.daysOld).toBe(undefined) describe "Attributes.Number", -> it "should read number attributes and coerce them to numeric values", -> @m.fromJSON('test_number': 4) expect(@m.testNumber).toBe(4) @m.fromJSON('test_number': '4') expect(@m.testNumber).toBe(4) @m.fromJSON('test_number': 'lolz') expect(@m.testNumber).toBe(null) @m.fromJSON('test_number': 0) expect(@m.testNumber).toBe(0) describe "Attributes.Collection", -> it "should parse and inflate items", -> @m.fromJSON('test_collection': [{id: '123'}]) expect(@m.testCollection.length).toBe(1) expect(@m.testCollection[0].id).toBe('123') expect(@m.testCollection[0]'SubmodelItem') it "should be fine with malformed arrays", -> @m.fromJSON('test_collection': [null]) expect(@m.testCollection.length).toBe(0) @m.fromJSON('test_collection': []) expect(@m.testCollection.length).toBe(0) @m.fromJSON('test_collection': null) expect(@m.testCollection.length).toBe(0) describe "Attributes.Boolean", -> it "should read `true` or true and coerce everything else to false", -> @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': true) expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(true) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': 'true') expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(true) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': 4) expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(false) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': '4') expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(false) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': false) expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(false) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': 0) expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(false) @m.fromJSON('test_boolean': null) expect(@m.testBoolean).toBe(false) describe "toJSON", -> beforeEach -> @model = new Model id: "1234", accountId: "ACD" it "should return a JSON object and call attribute toJSON functions to map values", -> spyOn(Model.attributes.accountId, 'toJSON').andCallFake (json) -> 'inflated value!' json = @model.toJSON() expect(json instanceof Object).toBe(true) expect('1234') expect(json.account_id).toBe('inflated value!') it "should surface any exception one of the attribute toJSON functions raises", -> spyOn(Model.attributes.accountId, 'toJSON').andCallFake (json) -> throw new Error("Can't convert value into JSON format") expect(-> @model.toJSON()).toThrow() describe "matches", -> beforeEach -> @model = new Model id: "1234", accountId: "ACD" @truthyMatcher = evaluate: (model) -> true @falsyMatcher = evaluate: (model) -> false it "should run the matchers and return true iff all matchers pass", -> expect(@model.matches([@truthyMatcher, @truthyMatcher])).toBe(true) expect(@model.matches([@truthyMatcher, @falsyMatcher])).toBe(false) expect(@model.matches([@falsyMatcher, @truthyMatcher])).toBe(false) it "should pass itself as an argument to the matchers", -> spyOn(@truthyMatcher, 'evaluate').andCallFake (param) => expect(param).toBe(@model) @model.matches([@truthyMatcher])