/* eslint jsx-a11y/tabindex-no-positive: 0 */ import React, {Component} from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Menu, RetinaImg, LabelColorizer, BoldedSearchResult, } from 'nylas-component-kit' import { Utils, Actions, TaskQueue, CategoryStore, Folder, SyncbackCategoryTask, ChangeFolderTask, ChangeLabelsTask, FocusedPerspectiveStore, } from 'nylas-exports' import {Categories} from 'nylas-observables' export default class MovePickerPopover extends Component { static propTypes = { threads: PropTypes.array.isRequired, account: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this._standardFolders = []; this._userCategories = []; this.state = this._recalculateState(this.props, {searchValue: ''}); } componentDidMount() { this._registerObservables(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this._registerObservables(nextProps); this.setState(this._recalculateState(nextProps)); } componentWillUnmount() { this._unregisterObservables(); } _registerObservables = (props = this.props) => { this._unregisterObservables(); this.disposables = [ Categories.forAccount(props.account).sort().subscribe(this._onCategoriesChanged), ]; }; _unregisterObservables = () => { if (this.disposables) { this.disposables.forEach(disp => disp.dispose()); } }; _recalculateState = (props = this.props, {searchValue = (this.state.searchValue || "")} = {}) => { const {threads, account} = props if (threads.length === 0) { return {categoryData: [], searchValue} } const currentCategories = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().categories() || []; const currentCategoryIds = currentCategories.map(c => c.id); const viewingAllMail = !currentCategories.find(c => c.role === 'spam' || c.role === 'trash'); const hidden = account ? ["drafts", "sent", "snoozed"] : []; if (viewingAllMail) { hidden.push('all'); } const categoryData = [] .concat(this._standardFolders) .concat([{divider: true, id: "category-divider"}]) .concat(this._userCategories) .filter((cat) => // remove categories that are part of the current perspective or locked !hidden.includes(cat.role) && !currentCategoryIds.includes(cat.id) ) .filter((cat) => Utils.wordSearchRegExp(searchValue).test(cat.displayName) ) .map((cat) => { if (cat.divider) { return cat } return { id: cat.id, category: cat, displayName: cat.displayName, backgroundColor: LabelColorizer.backgroundColorDark(cat), }; }); if (searchValue.length > 0) { const newItemData = { searchValue: searchValue, newCategoryItem: true, id: "category-create-new", } categoryData.push(newItemData) } return {categoryData, searchValue} }; _onCategoriesChanged = (categories) => { this._standardFolders = categories.filter(c => c.role && c instanceof Folder); this._userCategories = categories.filter(c => !c.role || !(c instanceof Folder)); this.setState(this._recalculateState()) }; _onEscape = () => { Actions.closePopover() }; _onSelectCategory = (item) => { if (this.props.threads.length === 0) { return; } if (item.newCategoryItem) { this._onCreateCategory(item); } else { this._onMoveToCategory(item); } Actions.popSheet(); Actions.closePopover(); } _onCreateCategory = () => { const syncbackTask = new SyncbackCategoryTask({ path: this.state.searchValue, accountId: this.props.account.id, }); TaskQueue.waitForPerformRemote(syncbackTask).then((finishedTask) => { if (!finishedTask.created) { NylasEnv.showErrorDialog({title: "Error", message: `Could not create folder.`}) return; } this._onMoveToCategory({category: finishedTask.created}); }); Actions.queueTask(syncbackTask); } _onMoveToCategory = ({category}) => { const {threads} = this.props if (category instanceof Folder) { Actions.queueTask(new ChangeFolderTask({ source: "Category Picker: New Category", threads: threads, folder: category, })); } else { const all = []; threads.forEach(({labels}) => all.push(...labels)); Actions.queueTask(new ChangeLabelsTask({ source: "Category Picker: New Category", labelsToRemove: all, labelsToAdd: [category], threads: threads, })); } }; _onSearchValueChange = (event) => { this.setState( this._recalculateState(this.props, {searchValue: event.target.value}) ) }; _renderCreateNewItem = ({searchValue}) => { const icon = CategoryStore.getInboxCategory(this.props.account) instanceof Folder ? 'folder' : 'tag'; return (
“{searchValue}” (create new)
) }; _renderItem = (item) => { if (item.divider) { return } else if (item.newCategoryItem) { return this._renderCreateNewItem(item) } const icon = (item.category instanceof Folder) ? ( ) : ( ); return (
) }; render() { const headerComponents = [ , ] return (
item.id} itemContent={this._renderItem} onSelect={this._onSelectCategory} onEscape={this._onEscape} defaultSelectedIndex={this.state.searchValue === "" ? -1 : 0} />
) } }