import fs from 'fs'; import { DatabaseStore, DatabaseTransaction, Message, Contact, SyncbackDraftFilesTask, NylasAPI, } from 'nylas-exports'; const DBt = DatabaseTransaction.prototype; describe('SyncbackDraftFilesTask', function syncbackDraftFilesTask() { describe("with uploads", () => { beforeEach(() => { this.uploads = [ {targetPath: '/test-file-1.png', size: 100}, {targetPath: '/test-file-2.png', size: 100}, ]; this.draft = new Message({ version: 1, clientId: 'client-id', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, from: [new Contact({email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL})], subject: 'New Draft', draft: true, body: 'hello world', uploads: [].concat(this.uploads), }); this.task = new SyncbackDraftFilesTask(this.draft.clientId); this.resolves = []; this.resolveAll = () => { for (const resolve of this.resolves) { resolve(); } this.resolves = [] advanceClock() }; spyOn(DBt, 'persistModel'); spyOn(fs, 'createReadStream').andReturn("stub"); spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake((options) => { let response = this.response; if (options.path === '/files') { response = JSON.stringify([{ id: '1234', account_id: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, filename: options.formData.file.options.filename, }]); } return new Promise((resolve) => { this.resolves.push(() => { if (options.success) { options.success(response) } resolve(response); }); }); }); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andReturn(Promise.resolve(this.draft)); }); it("should begin file uploads and not resolve until they complete", () => { const taskPromise = this.task.performRemote(); advanceClock(); // uploads should be queued, but not the send expect(NylasAPI.makeRequest.callCount).toEqual(2); expect(NylasAPI.makeRequest.calls[0].args[0].formData).toEqual({ file : { value : 'stub', options : { filename : 'test-file-1.png' } } }); expect(NylasAPI.makeRequest.calls[1].args[0].formData).toEqual({ file : { value : 'stub', options : { filename : 'test-file-2.png' } } }); // finish all uploads expect(taskPromise.isFulfilled()).toBe(false); this.resolveAll(); expect(taskPromise.isFulfilled()).toBe(true); }); it("should update the draft, removing uploads and adding files", () => { this.task.performRemote(); advanceClock(); this.resolveAll(); advanceClock(); expect(DBt.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled(); const draft = DBt.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(draft.files.length).toBe(2); expect(draft.uploads.length).toBe(0); }); it("should not interfere with other uploads added to the draft during task execution", () => { this.task.performRemote(); advanceClock(); this.draft.uploads.push({targetPath: '/test-file-3.png', size: 100}); this.resolveAll(); advanceClock(); expect(DBt.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled(); const draft = DBt.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(draft.files.length).toBe(2); expect(draft.uploads.length).toBe(1); }); }); });