React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
{Utils, Contact, ContactStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
{TokenizingTextField, Menu, InjectedComponentSet} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
class ParticipantsTextField extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ParticipantsTextField'
# The tab index of the ParticipantsTextField
tabIndex: React.PropTypes.string,
# The name of the field, used for both display purposes and also
# to modify the `participants` provided.
field: React.PropTypes.string,
# An object containing arrays of participants. Typically, this is
# {to: [], cc: [], bcc: []}. Each ParticipantsTextField needs all of
# the values, because adding an element to one field may remove it
# from another.
participants: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
# The function to call with an updated `participants` object when
# changes are made.
change: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
className: React.PropTypes.string
onEmptied: React.PropTypes.func
onFocus: React.PropTypes.func
# We need to know if the draft is ready so we can enable and disable
# ParticipantTextFields.
# It's possible for a ParticipantTextField, before the draft is
# ready, to start the request to `add`, `remove`, or `edit`. This
# happens when there are multiple drafts rendering, each requesting
# focus. A blur event gets fired before the draft is loaded, causing
# logic to run that sets an empty field. These requests are
# asynchronous. They may resolve after the draft is in fact ready.
# This is bad because the desire to `remove` participants may have
# been made with an empty, non-loaded draft, but executed on the new
# draft that was loaded in the time it took the async request to
# return.
draftReady: React.PropTypes.bool
visible: true
draftReady: false
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
render: =>
classSet = {}
classSet[@props.field] = true }
tokenIsValid={ (p) -> ContactStore.isValidContact(p) }
onRequestCompletions={ (input) -> ContactStore.searchContacts(input) }
# Public. Can be called by any component that has a ref to this one to
# focus the input field.
focus: => @refs.textField.focus()
_completionNode: (p) =>
_tokenNode: (p) =>
if > 0 and isnt
chipText =
chipText =
_tokensForString: (string, options = {}) =>
# If the input is a string, parse out email addresses and build
# an array of contact objects. For each email address wrapped in
# parentheses, look for a preceding name, if one exists.
if string.length is 0
return Promise.resolve([])
ContactStore.parseContactsInString(string, options).then (contacts) =>
if contacts.length > 0
return Promise.resolve(contacts)
# If no contacts are returned, treat the entire string as a single
# (malformed) contact object.
return [new Contact(email: string, name: null)]
_remove: (values) =>
return unless @props.draftReady
field = @props.field
updates = {}
updates[field] = _.reject @props.participants[field], (p) ->
return true if in values
return true if in values, (o) ->
_edit: (token, replacementString) =>
return unless @props.draftReady
field = @props.field
tokenIndex = @props.participants[field].indexOf(token)
@_tokensForString(replacementString).then (replacements) =>
updates = {}
updates[field] = [].concat(@props.participants[field])
updates[field].splice(tokenIndex, 1, replacements...)
_add: (values, options={}) =>
# It's important we return here (as opposed to ignoring the
# `@props.change` callback) because this method is asynchronous.
# The `tokensPromise` may be formed with an empty draft, but resolved
# after a draft was prepared. This would cause the bad data to be
# propagated.
return unless @props.draftReady
# If the input is a string, parse out email addresses and build
# an array of contact objects. For each email address wrapped in
# parentheses, look for a preceding name, if one exists.
if _.isString(values)
tokensPromise = @_tokensForString(values, options)
tokensPromise = Promise.resolve(values)
tokensPromise.then (tokens) =>
# Safety check: remove anything from the incoming tokens that isn't
# a Contact. We should never receive anything else in the tokens array.
tokens = _.filter tokens, (value) -> value instanceof Contact
updates = {}
for field in Object.keys(@props.participants)
updates[field] = [].concat(@props.participants[field])
for token in tokens
# first remove the participant from all the fields. This ensures
# that drag and drop isn't "drag and copy." and you can't have the
# same recipient in multiple places.
for field in Object.keys(@props.participants)
updates[field] = _.reject updates[field], (p) -> is
# add the participant to field
updates[@props.field] = _.union(updates[@props.field], [token])
return ""
_showContextMenu: (participant) =>
{remote} = require('electron')
# Warning: Menu is already initialized as Menu.cjsx!
MenuClass = remote.require('menu')
MenuItem = remote.require('menu-item')
menu = new MenuClass()
menu.append(new MenuItem(
label: "Copy #{}"
click: => require('clipboard').writeText(
menu.append(new MenuItem(
type: 'separator'
menu.append(new MenuItem(
label: 'Remove',
click: => @_remove([participant])
module.exports = ParticipantsTextField