'menu': [ { label: '&File' submenu: [ { label: '&New Message', command: 'application:new-message' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Se&ttings', command: 'application:show-settings' } { type: 'separator' } { label: '&Save', command: 'core:save' } { label: 'Save &As...', command: 'core:save-as' } { label: 'Save A&ll', command: 'window:save-all' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Clos&e Window', command: 'window:close' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'E&xit', command: 'application:quit' } ] } { label: '&Edit' submenu: [ { label: '&Undo', command: 'core:undo' } { label: '&Redo', command: 'core:redo' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Cu&t', command: 'core:cut' } { label: '&Copy', command: 'core:copy' } { label: '&Paste', command: 'core:paste' } { label: 'Select &All', command: 'core:select-all' } ] } { label: '&View' submenu: [ { label: '&Reload', command: 'window:reload' } { label: 'Toggle &Full Screen', command: 'window:toggle-full-screen' } { label: 'Toggle Menu Bar', command: 'window:toggle-menu-bar' } { label: 'Developer' submenu: [ { label: 'Open In &Dev Mode...', command: 'application:open-dev' } { label: 'Run &Atom Specs', command: 'application:run-all-specs' } { label: 'Run Package &Specs', command: 'window:run-package-specs' } { label: 'Toggle Developer &Tools', command: 'window:toggle-dev-tools' } ] } ] } { label: 'F&ind' submenu: [] } { label: '&Packages' submenu: [] } { label: '&Help' submenu: [ { label: 'View &Terms of Use', command: 'application:open-terms-of-use' } { label: 'View &License', command: 'application:open-license' } { label: 'VERSION', enabled: false } { label: 'Restart and Install Update', command: 'application:install-update', visible: false} { label: 'Check for Update', command: 'application:check-for-update', visible: false} { label: 'Downloading Update', enabled: false, visible: false} { type: 'separator' } { label: '&Documentation', command: 'application:open-documentation' } { label: 'Roadmap', command: 'application:open-roadmap' } { label: 'Frequently Asked Questions', command: 'application:open-faq' } { type: 'separator' } { label: 'Community Discussions', command: 'application:open-discussions' } { label: 'Report Issue', command: 'application:report-issue' } { label: 'Search Issues', command: 'application:search-issues' } { type: 'separator' } ] } ] 'context-menu':[ ]