React = require 'react' _ = require 'underscore' {NamespaceStore} = require 'nylas-exports' class ThreadListParticipants extends React.Component @displayName: 'ThreadListParticipants' @propTypes: thread: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps) => return false if nextProps.thread is @props.thread true render: => items = @getParticipants() spans = [] accumulated = null accumulatedUnread = false flush = -> if accumulated spans.push {accumulated} accumulated = null accumulatedUnread = false accumulate = (text, unread) -> if accumulated and unread and accumulatedUnread isnt unread flush() if accumulated accumulated += text else accumulated = text accumulatedUnread = unread for {spacer, contact, unread}, idx in items if spacer accumulate('...') else if > 0 if items.length > 1 short = contact.displayFirstName() else short = contact.displayName() else short = if idx < items.length-1 and not items[idx+1].spacer short += ", " accumulate(short, unread) if @props.thread.metadata and @props.thread.metadata.length > 1 accumulate(" (#{@props.thread.metadata.length})") flush()
getParticipants: => makeMetadataFilterer = (toOrFrom) -> (msg, i, msgs) -> isFirstMsg = i is 0 if msg.draft false else if isFirstMsg true else # check adjacent email uniqueness last = msgs[i - 1][toOrFrom][0] curr = msgs[i][toOrFrom][0] isUniqueEmail = isnt isUniqueName = isnt isUniqueEmail or isUniqueName makeMetadataMapper = (toOrFrom) -> (msg) -> msg[toOrFrom].map (contact) -> { contact: contact, unread: msg.unread } if @props.thread.metadata shouldOnlyShowRecipients = @props.thread.metadata.every (msg) -> sender = msg.from[0] is NamespaceStore.current().emailAddress input = @props.thread.metadata toOrFrom = if shouldOnlyShowRecipients then "to" else "from" filterer = makeMetadataFilterer toOrFrom mapper = makeMetadataMapper toOrFrom else input = @props.thread.participants return [] unless input and input instanceof Array currentUserEmail = NamespaceStore.current().emailAddress filterer = (msg) -> isnt currentUserEmail mapper = (contact) -> { contact: contact, unread: false } list = _.chain(input) .filter(filterer) .map(mapper) .reduce(((prevContacts, next) -> prevContacts.concat(next)), []) .value() # If no participants, we should at least add current user as sole participant if list.length is 0 and @props.thread.participants.length > 0 list.push({ contact: @props.thread.participants[0], unread: false }) # We only ever want to show three. Ben...Kevin... Marty # But we want the *right* three. if list.length > 3 listTrimmed = [ # Always include the first item list[0], { spacer: true }, # Always include last two items list[list.length - 2], list[list.length - 1] ] list = listTrimmed list module.exports = ThreadListParticipants