import {testData, testDataSource} from '../../fixtures/table-data' describe('TableDataSource', function describeBlock() { describe('colAt', () => { it('returns the correct value for column', () => { expect(testDataSource.colAt(1)).toEqual('col2') }); it('returns null if col does not exist', () => { expect(testDataSource.colAt(3)).toBe(null) }); }); describe('rowAt', () => { it('returns correct row', () => { expect(testDataSource.rowAt(1)).toEqual([4, 5, 6]) }); it('returns columns if rowIdx is null', () => { expect(testDataSource.rowAt(null)).toEqual(['col1', 'col2', 'col3']) }); it('returns null if row does not exist', () => { expect(testDataSource.rowAt(3)).toBe(null) }); }); describe('cellAt', () => { it('returns correct cell', () => { expect(testDataSource.cellAt({rowIdx: 1, colIdx: 1})).toEqual(5) }); it('returns correct col if rowIdx is null', () => { expect(testDataSource.cellAt({rowIdx: null, colIdx: 1})).toEqual('col2') }); it('returns null if cell does not exist', () => { expect(testDataSource.cellAt({rowIdx: 3, colIdx: 1})).toBe(null) expect(testDataSource.cellAt({rowIdx: 1, colIdx: 3})).toBe(null) }); }); describe('rows', () => { it('returns all rows', () => { expect(testDataSource.rows()).toBe(testData.rows) }); }); describe('columns', () => { it('returns all columns', () => { expect(testDataSource.columns()).toBe(testData.columns) }); }); describe('addColumn', () => { it('pushes a new column to the data source\'s columns', () => { const res = testDataSource.addColumn() expect(res.columns()).toEqual(['col1', 'col2', 'col3', null]) }); it('pushes a new column to every row', () => { const res = testDataSource.addColumn() expect(res.rows()).toEqual([ [1, 2, 3, null], [4, 5, 6, null], [7, 8, 9, null], ]) }); }); describe('removeColumn', () => { it('removes last column from the data source\'s columns', () => { const res = testDataSource.removeColumn() expect(res.columns()).toEqual(['col1', 'col2']) }); it('removes last column from every row', () => { const res = testDataSource.removeColumn() expect(res.rows()).toEqual([ [1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8], ]) }); }); describe('addRow', () => { it('pushes an empty row with correct number of columns', () => { const res = testDataSource.addRow() expect(res.rows()).toEqual([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [null, null, null], ]) }); }); describe('removeRow', () => { it('removes last row', () => { const res = testDataSource.removeRow() expect(res.rows()).toEqual([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ]) }); }); describe('updateCell', () => { it('updates cell value correctly when updating a cell that is /not/ a header', () => { const res = testDataSource.updateCell({ rowIdx: 0, colIdx: 0, isHeader: false, value: 'new-val', }) expect(res.columns()).toBe(testDataSource.columns()) expect(res.rows()).toEqual([ ['new-val', 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], ]) // If a row doesn't change, it should be the same row testDataSource.rows().slice(1).forEach((row, rowIdx) => expect(row).toBe(testDataSource.rowAt(rowIdx + 1))) }); it('updates cell value correctly when updating a cell that /is/ a header', () => { const res = testDataSource.updateCell({ rowIdx: null, colIdx: 0, isHeader: true, value: 'new-val', }) expect(res.columns()).toEqual(['new-val', 'col2', 'col3']) expect(res.rows()).toBe(testDataSource.rows()) // If a row doesn't change, it should be the same row testDataSource.rows().forEach((row, rowIdx) => expect(row).toBe(testDataSource.rowAt(rowIdx))) }); }); describe('clear', () => { it('clears all data correcltly', () => { const res = testDataSource.clear() expect(res.toJSON()).toEqual({ columns: [], rows: [[]], }) }); }); describe('toJSON', () => { it('returns correct json object from data source', () => { const res = testDataSource.toJSON() expect(res).toEqual(testData) }); }); });