Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message' Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions' DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store' DraftStoreProxy = require '../../src/flux/stores/draft-store-proxy' DraftChangeSet = DraftStoreProxy.DraftChangeSet _ = require 'underscore' describe "DraftChangeSet", -> beforeEach -> @triggerSpy = jasmine.createSpy('trigger') @commitResolve = null @commitResolves = [] @commitSpy = jasmine.createSpy('commit').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve, reject) => @commitResolves.push(resolve) @commitResolve = resolve @changeSet = new DraftChangeSet(@triggerSpy, @commitSpy) @changeSet._pending = subject: 'Change to subject line' describe "teardown", -> it "should remove all of the pending and saving changes", -> @changeSet.teardown() expect(@changeSet._saving).toEqual({}) expect(@changeSet._pending).toEqual({}) describe "add", -> it "should mark that the draft is not pristine", -> @changeSet.add(body: 'Hello World!') expect(@changeSet._pending.pristine).toEqual(false) it "should add the changes to the _pending set", -> @changeSet.add(body: 'Hello World!') expect(@changeSet._pending.body).toEqual('Hello World!') describe "when the immediate option is passed", -> it "should commit", -> spyOn(@changeSet, 'commit') @changeSet.add({body: 'Hello World!'}, {immediate: true}) expect(@changeSet.commit).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "otherwise", -> it "should commit after five seconds", -> spyOn(@changeSet, 'commit') @changeSet.add({body: 'Hello World!'}) expect(@changeSet.commit).not.toHaveBeenCalled() advanceClock(6000) expect(@changeSet.commit).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "commit", -> it "should resolve immediately if the pending set is empty", -> @changeSet._pending = {} waitsForPromise => @changeSet.commit().then => expect(@commitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "should move changes to the saving set", -> pendingBefore = _.extend({}, @changeSet._pending) expect(@changeSet._saving).toEqual({}) @changeSet.commit() advanceClock() expect(@changeSet._pending).toEqual({}) expect(@changeSet._saving).toEqual(pendingBefore) it "should call the commit handler and then clear the saving set", -> @changeSet.commit() advanceClock() expect(@changeSet._saving).not.toEqual({}) @commitResolve() advanceClock() expect(@changeSet._saving).toEqual({}) describe "concurrency", -> it "the commit function should always run serially", -> firstFulfilled = false secondFulfilled = false @changeSet._pending = {subject: 'A'} @changeSet.commit().then => @changeSet._pending = {subject: 'B'} firstFulfilled = true @changeSet.commit().then => secondFulfilled = true advanceClock() expect(firstFulfilled).toBe(false) expect(secondFulfilled).toBe(false) @commitResolves[0]() advanceClock() expect(firstFulfilled).toBe(true) expect(secondFulfilled).toBe(false) @commitResolves[1]() advanceClock() expect(firstFulfilled).toBe(true) expect(secondFulfilled).toBe(true) describe "applyToModel", -> it "should apply the saving and then the pending change sets, in that order", -> @changeSet._saving = {subject: 'A', body: 'Basketb'} @changeSet._pending = {body: 'Basketball'} m = new Message() @changeSet.applyToModel(m) expect(m.subject).toEqual('A') expect(m.body).toEqual('Basketball') describe "DraftStoreProxy", -> describe "constructor", -> it "should make a query to fetch the draft", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve, reject) => proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id') expect( describe "when given a draft object", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run') @draft = new Message(draft: true, body: '123') @proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id', @draft) it "should not make a query for the draft", -> expect( it "should immediately make the draft available", -> expect(@proxy.draft()).toEqual(@draft) describe "teardown", -> it "should mark the session as destroyed", -> proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id') proxy.teardown() expect(proxy._destroyed).toEqual(true) describe "prepare", -> beforeEach -> @draft = new Message(draft: true, body: '123', clientId: 'client-id') @proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id') spyOn(@proxy, '_setDraft') spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@draft) @proxy._draftPromise = null it "should call setDraft with the retrieved draft", -> waitsForPromise => @proxy.prepare().then => expect(@proxy._setDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@draft) it "should resolve with the DraftStoreProxy", -> waitsForPromise => @proxy.prepare().then (val) => expect(val).toBe(@proxy) describe "error handling", -> it "should reject if the draft session has already been destroyed", -> @proxy._destroyed = true waitsForPromise => @proxy.prepare().then => expect(false).toBe(true) .catch (val) => expect(val instanceof Error).toBe(true) it "should reject if the draft cannot be found", -> @draft = null waitsForPromise => @proxy.prepare().then => expect(false).toBe(true) .catch (val) => expect(val instanceof Error).toBe(true) describe "when a draft changes", -> beforeEach -> @draft = new Message(draft: true, clientId: 'client-id', body: 'A', subject: 'initial') @proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id', @draft) spyOn(DatabaseStore, "atomically").andCallFake (fn) -> return Promise.resolve(fn()) spyOn(DatabaseStore, "persistModel").andReturn Promise.resolve() spyOn(Actions, "queueTask").andReturn Promise.resolve() it "should ignore the update unless it applies to the current draft", -> spyOn(@proxy, 'trigger') @proxy._onDraftChanged(objectClass: 'message', objects: [new Message()]) expect(@proxy.trigger).not.toHaveBeenCalled() @proxy._onDraftChanged(objectClass: 'message', objects: [@draft]) expect(@proxy.trigger).toHaveBeenCalled() it "should apply the update to the current draft", -> updatedDraft = @draft.clone() updatedDraft.subject = 'This is the new subject' @proxy._onDraftChanged(objectClass: 'message', objects: [updatedDraft]) expect(@proxy.draft().subject).toEqual(updatedDraft.subject) it "atomically commits changes", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andReturn(Promise.resolve(@draft)) waitsForPromise => @proxy.changes.add({body: "123"}, {immediate: true}).then => expect(DatabaseStore.atomically).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(DatabaseStore.atomically.calls.length).toBe 1 it "persist the applied changes", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andReturn(Promise.resolve(@draft)) waitsForPromise => @proxy.changes.add({body: "123"}, {immediate: true}).then => expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled() updated = DatabaseStore.persistModel.calls[0].args[0] expect(updated.body).toBe "123" it "queues a SyncbackDraftTask", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andReturn(Promise.resolve(@draft)) waitsForPromise => @proxy.changes.add({body: "123"}, {immediate: true}).then => expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled() task = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0] expect(task.draftClientId).toBe "client-id" describe "when findBy does not return a draft", -> it "continues and persists it's local draft reference, so it is resaved and draft editing can continue", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andReturn(Promise.resolve(null)) waitsForPromise => @proxy.changes.add({body: "123"}, {immediate: true}).then => expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled() updated = DatabaseStore.persistModel.calls[0].args[0] expect(updated.body).toBe "123" expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled() task = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0] expect(task.draftClientId).toBe "client-id" it "does nothing if the draft is marked as destroyed", -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andReturn(Promise.resolve(@draft)) waitsForPromise => @proxy._destroyed = true @proxy.changes.add({body: "123"}, {immediate: true}).then => expect(DatabaseStore.atomically).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe "draft pristine body", -> describe "when the draft given to the session is pristine", -> it "should return the initial body", -> pristineDraft = new Message(draft: true, body: 'Hiya', pristine: true, clientId: 'client-id') updatedDraft = pristineDraft.clone() updatedDraft.body = '123444' updatedDraft.pristine = false @proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id', pristineDraft) @proxy._onDraftChanged(objectClass: 'message', objects: [updatedDraft]) expect(@proxy.draftPristineBody()).toBe('Hiya') describe "when the draft given to the session is not pristine", -> it "should return null", -> dirtyDraft = new Message(draft: true, body: 'Hiya', pristine: false) @proxy = new DraftStoreProxy('client-id', dirtyDraft) expect(@proxy.draftPristineBody()).toBe(null)