#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exit if any command fails set -e echo "Setting up Nylas Mail"; rm -f .setup-complete; echo "---> Ensuring N1 submodule is initialized"; git submodule init; git submodule update; echo "---> Copying arcnaist files to N1"; cp -f arc-N1/.arc* N1/; cp -rf arc-N1/arclib N1/; echo "---> Copying private packages to N1" mkdir -p N1/private_packages cp -rf packages/* N1/private_packages echo "---> Setting required environment variables" SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) [ -z "$EDGEHILL_PATH" ] && EDGEHILL_PATH="$SCRIPT_DIR/N1" if env | grep -q ^EDGEHILL_PATH= then echo "---> Already have EDGEHILL_PATH set to '$EDGEHILL_PATH'" else echo "---> Setting EDGEHILL_PATH to '$EDGEHILL_PATH'" export EDGEHILL_PATH fi echo "---> Checking for correct node version" command -v node >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "ERROR: Please install node"; exit 1; } node_version="$(node --version)" if [ ${node_version:0:5} != "v0.10" ]; then if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then echo "---> Warning, you don't have the correct version of node installed. You have '$(node --version)'" command -v node >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "ERROR: We can't automatically install nvm for you. Setup homebrew, then 'brew install nvm' and use nvm to setup the correct node version."; exit 1; } echo "---> We see you have homebrew installed. We're using brew to install nvm to install the correct version of node." brew install nvm nmv install 0.10 nvm use 0.10 else echo "ERROR: Nylas Mail requires Node version 0.10.x. You are running '$(node --version)'. Please ensure node 0.10 is node in your path and try again"; exit 1; fi fi echo "---> Setting up N1" cd N1 script/bootstrap echo "---> DONE!. Run './nylas-mail --dev' to launch in dev mode" touch .setup-complete