React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
FileUpload = require './file-upload'
ImageFileUpload = require './image-file-upload'
ContenteditableComponent = require './contenteditable-component'
ParticipantsTextField = require './participants-text-field'
# The ComposerView is a unique React component because it (currently) is a
# singleton. Normally, the React way to do things would be to re-render the
# Composer with new props.
class ComposerView extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ComposerView'
@containerRequired: false
localId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
# Either "inline" or "fullwindow"
mode: React.PropTypes.string
# If this composer is part of an existing thread (like inline
# composers) the threadId will be handed down
threadId: React.PropTypes.string
# Sometimes when changes in the composer happens it's desirable to
# have the parent scroll to a certain location. A parent component can
# pass a callback that gets called when this composer wants to be
# scrolled to.
onRequestScrollTo: React.PropTypes.func
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
populated: false
to: []
cc: []
bcc: []
body: ""
files: []
subject: ""
showcc: false
showbcc: false
showsubject: false
showQuotedText: false
isSending: DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.localId)
uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.localId) ? []
componentWillMount: =>
componentDidMount: =>
@_draftStoreUnlisten = DraftStore.listen @_onSendingStateChanged
@_uploadUnlisten = FileUploadStore.listen @_onFileUploadStoreChange
@_keymapUnlisten = atom.commands.add '.composer-outer-wrap', {
'composer:show-and-focus-bcc': @_showAndFocusBcc
'composer:show-and-focus-cc': @_showAndFocusCc
'composer:focus-to': => @focus "textFieldTo"
'composer:send-message': => @_sendDraft()
'composer:delete-empty-draft': => @_deleteEmptyDraft()
"core:undo": @undo
"core:redo": @redo
if @props.mode is "fullwindow"
# Need to delay so the component can be fully painted. Focus doesn't
# work unless the element is on the page.
@focus "textFieldTo"
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_unmounted = true # rarf
@_uploadUnlisten() if @_uploadUnlisten
@_draftStoreUnlisten() if @_draftStoreUnlisten
@_keymapUnlisten.dispose() if @_keymapUnlisten
componentDidUpdate: =>
# We want to use a temporary variable instead of putting this into the
# state. This is because the selection is a transient property that
# only needs to be applied once. It's not a long-living property of
# the state. We could call `setState` here, but this saves us from a
# re-rendering.
@_recoveredSelection = null if @_recoveredSelection?
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
if newProps.localId isnt @props.localId
# When we're given a new draft localId, we have to stop listening to our
# current DraftStoreProxy, create a new one and listen to that. The simplest
# way to do this is to just re-call registerListeners.
_prepareForDraft: (localId) =>
@unlisteners = []
return unless localId
# UndoManager must be ready before we call _onDraftChanged for the first time
@undoManager = new UndoManager
_setupSession: (proxy) =>
return if @_unmounted
return unless proxy.draftLocalId is @props.localId
@_proxy = proxy
@unlisteners.push @_proxy.listen(@_onDraftChanged)
_preloadImages: (files=[]) ->
files.forEach (file) ->
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)
if not uploadData? and Utils.looksLikeImage(file)
_teardownForDraft: =>
unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners
if @_proxy
render: =>
if @props.mode is "inline"
_renderFields: =>
# Note: We need to physically add and remove these elements, not just hide them.
# If they're hidden, shift-tab between fields breaks.
fields = []
if @state.showcc
if @state.showbcc
if @state.showsubject
_renderNonImageAttachmentsAndUploads: ->
@_nonImages().map (fileOrUpload) =>
if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
_renderImageAttachmentsAndUploads: ->
@_images().map (fileOrUpload) =>
if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
@_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload, "Attachment:Image")
_attachmentComponent: (file, role="Attachment") =>
targetPath = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)?.filePath
if not targetPath
targetPath = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)
props =
file: file
removable: true
targetPath: targetPath
messageLocalId: @props.localId
if role is "Attachment" then className = "non-image-attachment attachment-file-wrap"
else className = "image-attachment-file-wrap"
_fileSort: (fileOrUpload) ->
if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
# There will only be an entry in the `linkedUpload` if the file had
# finished uploading in this session. We may well have files that
# already existed on a draft that don't have any uploadData
# associated with them.
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(fileOrUpload)
uploadData = fileOrUpload
if not uploadData
sortOrder = 0
sortOrder = uploadData.startedUploadingAt + (1 / +uploadData.uploadId)
return sortOrder
_images: ->
_.sortBy _.filter(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.looksLikeImage), @_fileSort
_nonImages: ->
_.sortBy _.reject(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.looksLikeImage), @_fileSort
_uploadsAndFiles: ->
_onFileUploadStoreChange: =>
@setState uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.localId)
_renderActionsRegion: =>
return unless @props.localId
# Focus the composer view. Chooses the appropriate field to start
# focused depending on the draft type, or you can pass a field as
# the first parameter.
focus: (field = null) =>
if @isForwardedMessage()
field ?= "textFieldTo"
field ?= "contentBody"
isForwardedMessage: =>
return false if not @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
_onDraftChanged: =>
return unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if not @_initialHistorySave
@_initialHistorySave = true
state =
bcc: draft.bcc
files: draft.files
subject: draft.subject
body: draft.body
if !@state.populated
_.extend state,
showcc: not _.isEmpty(
showbcc: not _.isEmpty(draft.bcc)
showsubject: @_shouldShowSubject()
showQuotedText: @isForwardedMessage()
populated: true
_shouldShowSubject: =>
return false unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if _.isEmpty(draft.subject ? "") then return true
else if @isForwardedMessage() then return true
else return false
_onDragNoop: (e) =>
_onDrop: (e) =>
for file in e.dataTransfer.files
Actions.attachFilePath({path: file.path, messageLocalId: @props.localId})
_onFilePaste: (path) =>
Actions.attachFilePath({path: path, messageLocalId: @props.localId})
_onChangeParticipants: (changes={}) => @_addToProxy(changes)
_onChangeSubject: (event) => @_addToProxy(subject:
_onChangeBody: (event) =>
return unless @_proxy
if @_getSelections().currentSelection?.atEndOfContent
@props.onRequestScrollTo?(messageId: @_proxy.draft().id, location: "bottom")
_onChangeEditableMode: ({showQuotedText}) =>
@setState showQuotedText: showQuotedText
_addToProxy: (changes={}, source={}) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections = @_getSelections()
oldDraft = @_proxy.draft()
return if _.all changes, (change, key) -> _.isEqual(change, oldDraft[key])
@_saveToHistory(selections) unless source.fromUndoManager
_popoutComposer: =>
Actions.composePopoutDraft @props.localId
_sendDraft: (options = {}) =>
return unless @_proxy
return if @state.isSending
draft = @_proxy.draft()
remote = require('remote')
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
if [].concat(,, draft.bcc).length is 0
dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Edit Message'],
message: 'Cannot Send',
detail: 'You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.'
warnings = []
if draft.subject.length is 0
warnings.push('without a subject line')
if (draft.files ? []).length is 0 and @_hasAttachment(draft.body)
warnings.push('without an attachment')
# Warn if the user tries to send a message with no body, or with a body that
# is only quoted text and not a forward.
body = draft.body.toLowerCase().trim()
forwarded = Utils.isForwardedMessage(draft)
quotedTextIndex = Utils.quotedTextIndex(body)
if body.length is 0 or (0 <= quotedTextIndex <= 10 and not forwarded)
warnings.push('without a body')
# Check third party warnings added via DraftStore extensions
for extension in DraftStore.extensions()
continue unless extension.warningsForSending
warnings = warnings.concat(extension.warningsForSending(draft))
if warnings.length > 0 and not options.force
dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Cancel', 'Send Anyway'],
message: 'Are you sure?',
detail: "Send #{warnings.join(' and ')}?"
}, (response) =>
if response is 1 # button array index 1
@_sendDraft({force: true})
# There can be a delay between when the send request gets initiated
# by a user and when the draft is prepared on on the TaskQueue, which
# is how we detect that the draft is sending.
@setState isSending: true
_hasAttachment: (body) =>
body = body.toLowerCase().trim()
attachIndex = body.indexOf("attach")
if attachIndex >= 0
quotedTextIndex = Utils.quotedTextIndex(body)
if quotedTextIndex >= 0
return (attachIndex < quotedTextIndex)
else return true
else return false
_destroyDraft: =>
_attachFile: =>
Actions.attachFile({messageLocalId: @props.localId})
_showAndFocusBcc: =>
@setState {showbcc: true}
@focus "textFieldBcc"
_showAndFocusCc: =>
@setState {showcc: true}
@focus "textFieldCc"
_onSendingStateChanged: =>
@setState isSending: DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.localId)
_onEmptyCc: =>
@setState showcc: false
@focus "textFieldTo"
_onEmptyBcc: =>
@setState showbcc: false
if @state.showcc
@focus "textFieldCc"
@focus "textFieldTo"
undo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.undo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
redo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.redo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
_getSelections: =>
currentSelection: @refs.contentBody?.getCurrentSelection?()
previousSelection: @refs.contentBody?.getPreviousSelection?()
_saveToHistory: (selections) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections ?= @_getSelections()
newDraft = @_proxy.draft()
historyItem =
previousSelection: selections.previousSelection
currentSelection: selections.currentSelection
body: _.clone newDraft.body
subject: _.clone newDraft.subject
to: _.clone
cc: _.clone
bcc: _.clone newDraft.bcc
lastState = @undoManager.current()
if lastState?
lastState.currentSelection = historyItem.previousSelection
_deleteEmptyDraft: =>
return unless @_proxy
if @_proxy.draft().pristine then Actions.destroyDraft(@props.localId)
module.exports = ComposerView