import React from 'react'; import {findDOMNode} from 'react-dom'; import {Actions} from 'nylas-exports'; import {RetinaImg, ScrollRegion} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import EmojiStore from './emoji-store'; import EmojiActions from './emoji-actions'; import categorizedEmojiList from './categorized-emoji'; class EmojiButtonPopover extends React.Component { static displayName = 'EmojiButtonPopover'; constructor() { super(); const {categoryNames, categorizedEmoji, categoryPositions} = this.getStateFromStore(); this.state = { emojiName: "Emoji Picker", categoryNames: categoryNames, categorizedEmoji: categorizedEmoji, categoryPositions: categoryPositions, searchValue: "", activeTab: Object.keys(categorizedEmoji)[0], }; } componentDidMount() { this._mounted = true; this._emojiPreloadImage = new Image(); this.renderCanvas(); } componentWillUnmount() { this._emojiPreloadImage.onload = null; this._emojiPreloadImage = null; this._mounted = false; } onMouseDown = (event) => { const emojiName = this.calcEmojiByPosition(this.calcPosition(event)); if (!emojiName) return null; EmojiActions.selectEmoji({emojiName: emojiName, replaceSelection: false}); Actions.closePopover(); return null } onScroll = () => { const emojiContainer = document.querySelector(".emoji-finder-container .scroll-region-content"); const tabContainer = document.querySelector(".emoji-tabs"); tabContainer.className = emojiContainer.scrollTop ? "emoji-tabs shadow" : "emoji-tabs"; if (emojiContainer.scrollTop === 0) { this.setState({activeTab: Object.keys(this.state.categorizedEmoji)[0]}); } else { for (const category of Object.keys(this.state.categoryPositions)) { if (emojiContainer.scrollTop >= this.state.categoryPositions[category].top && emojiContainer.scrollTop <= this.state.categoryPositions[category].bottom) { this.setState({activeTab: category}); } } } } onHover = (event) => { const emojiName = this.calcEmojiByPosition(this.calcPosition(event)); if (emojiName) { this.setState({emojiName: emojiName}); } else { this.setState({emojiName: "Emoji Picker"}); } } onMouseOut = () => { this.setState({emojiName: "Emoji Picker"}); } onChange = (event) => { const searchValue =; if (searchValue.length > 0) { const searchMatches = this.findSearchMatches(searchValue); this.setState({ categorizedEmoji: { 'Search Results': searchMatches, }, categoryPositions: { 'Search Results': { top: 25, bottom: 25 + Math.ceil(searchMatches.length / 8) * 24, }, }, searchValue: searchValue, activeTab: null, }, this.renderCanvas); } else { this.setState(this.getStateFromStore, () => { this.setState({ searchValue: searchValue, activeTab: Object.keys(this.state.categorizedEmoji)[0], }, this.renderCanvas); }); } } getStateFromStore = () => { let categorizedEmoji = categorizedEmojiList; const categoryPositions = {}; let categoryNames = [ 'People', 'Nature', 'Food and Drink', 'Activity', 'Travel and Places', 'Objects', 'Symbols', 'Flags', ]; const frequentlyUsedEmoji = EmojiStore.frequentlyUsedEmoji(); if (frequentlyUsedEmoji.length > 0) { categorizedEmoji = {'Frequently Used': frequentlyUsedEmoji}; for (const category of Object.keys(categorizedEmojiList)) { categorizedEmoji[category] = categorizedEmojiList[category]; } categoryNames = ["Frequently Used"].concat(categoryNames); } // Calculates where each category should be (variable because Frequently // Used may or may not be present) for (const name of categoryNames) { categoryPositions[name] = {top: 0, bottom: 0}; } let verticalPos = 25; for (const category of Object.keys(categoryPositions)) { const height = Math.ceil(categorizedEmoji[category].length / 8) * 24; categoryPositions[category].top = verticalPos; verticalPos += height; categoryPositions[category].bottom = verticalPos; verticalPos += 24; } return { categoryNames: categoryNames, categorizedEmoji: categorizedEmoji, categoryPositions: categoryPositions, }; } scrollToCategory(category) { const container = document.querySelector(".emoji-finder-container .scroll-region-content"); if (this.state.searchValue.length > 0) { this.setState({searchValue: ""}); this.setState(this.getStateFromStore, () => { this.renderCanvas(); container.scrollTop = this.state.categoryPositions[category].top + 16; }); } else { container.scrollTop = this.state.categoryPositions[category].top + 16; } this.setState({activeTab: category}) } findSearchMatches(searchValue) { // TODO: Find matches for aliases, too. const searchMatches = []; for (const category of Object.keys(categorizedEmojiList)) { categorizedEmojiList[category].forEach((emojiName) => { if (emojiName.indexOf(searchValue) !== -1) { searchMatches.push(emojiName); } }); } return searchMatches; } calcPosition(event) { const rect =; const position = { x: event.pageX - rect.left / 2, y: event.pageY - / 2, }; return position; } calcEmojiByPosition = (position) => { for (const category of Object.keys(this.state.categoryPositions)) { const LEFT_BOUNDARY = 8; const RIGHT_BOUNDARY = 204; const EMOJI_WIDTH = 24.5; const EMOJI_HEIGHT = 24; const EMOJI_PER_ROW = 8; if (position.x >= LEFT_BOUNDARY && position.x <= RIGHT_BOUNDARY && position.y >= this.state.categoryPositions[category].top && position.y <= this.state.categoryPositions[category].bottom) { const x = Math.round((position.x + 5) / EMOJI_WIDTH); const y = Math.round((position.y - this.state.categoryPositions[category].top + 10) / EMOJI_HEIGHT); const index = x + (y - 1) * EMOJI_PER_ROW - 1; return this.state.categorizedEmoji[category][index]; } } return null; } renderTabs() { const tabs = []; this.state.categoryNames.forEach((category) => { let className = `emoji-tab ${(category.replace(/ /g, '-')).toLowerCase()}` if (category === this.state.activeTab) { className += " active"; } tabs.push( <div key={`${category} container`} style={{flex: 1}}> <RetinaImg key={`${category} tab`} className={className} name={`icon-emojipicker-${(category.replace(/ /g, '-')).toLowerCase()}.png`} mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} onMouseDown={() => this.scrollToCategory(category)} /> </div> ); }); return tabs; } renderCanvas() { const canvas = findDOMNode(this.refs.emojiCanvas); const keys = Object.keys(this.state.categoryPositions); canvas.height = this.state.categoryPositions[keys[keys.length - 1]].bottom * 2; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.font = "24px Nylas-Pro"; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); const position = { x: 15, y: 45, } let idx = 0; const categoryNames = Object.keys(this.state.categorizedEmoji); const renderNextCategory = () => { if (!categoryNames[idx]) return; if (!this._mounted) return; this.renderCategory(categoryNames[idx], idx, ctx, position, renderNextCategory); idx += 1; } renderNextCategory(); } renderCategory(category, i, ctx, pos, callback) { const position = pos if (i > 0) { position.x = 18; position.y += 48; } ctx.fillText(category, position.x, position.y); position.x = 18; position.y += 48; const emojiNames = this.state.categorizedEmoji[category]; if (!emojiNames || emojiNames.length === 0) return; const emojiToDraw =, j) => { const x = position.x; const y = position.y; const src = EmojiStore.getImagePath(emojiName); if (position.x > 325 && j < this.state.categorizedEmoji[category].length - 1) { position.x = 18; position.y += 48; } else { position.x += 50; } return {src, x, y}; }); const drawEmojiAt = ({src, x, y} = {}) => { if (!src) { return; } this._emojiPreloadImage.onload = () => { this._emojiPreloadImage.onload = null; ctx.drawImage(this._emojiPreloadImage, x, y - 30, 32, 32); if (emojiToDraw.length === 0) { callback(); } else { drawEmojiAt(emojiToDraw.shift()); } } this._emojiPreloadImage.src = src; } drawEmojiAt(emojiToDraw.shift()); } render() { return ( <div className="emoji-button-popover" tabIndex="-1"> <div className="emoji-tabs"> {this.renderTabs()} </div> <ScrollRegion className="emoji-finder-container" onScroll={this.onScroll} > <div className="emoji-search-container"> <input type="text" className="search" value={this.state.searchValue} onChange={this.onChange} /> </div> <canvas ref="emojiCanvas" width="400" height="2000" onMouseDown={this.onMouseDown} onMouseOut={this.onMouseOut} onMouseMove={this.onHover} style={{zoom: "0.5"}} > </canvas> </ScrollRegion> <div className="emoji-name"> {this.state.emojiName} </div> </div> ); } } export default EmojiButtonPopover;