function _getDimension(node, dim) { const raw =[dim] || node[dim]; if (!raw) { return [null, '']; } const valueRegexp = /(\d*)(.*)/; const match = valueRegexp.exec(raw); if (!match) { return [null, '']; } const value = match[1]; const units = match[2] || 'px'; return [value / 1, units]; } function _correctMalformedSrc(node) { let src = node.getAttribute('src'); if (src && src.startsWith('%20')) { while (src.startsWith('%20')) { src = src.substring(3); } node.setAttribute('src', src); } } function _applyMaxWidthAndHeight(node) { const [width, widthUnits] = _getDimension(node, 'width'); const [height, heightUnits] = _getDimension(node, 'height'); if ( || { return; } // VW is like %, but always basd on the iframe width, regardless of whether // a container is position: relative. // if (width && height && widthUnits === heightUnits) { = '100vw'; = `${100 * height / width}vw`; } else if (!height) { = '100vw'; } else { // If your image has a width and height in different units, or a height and // no width, we don't want to screw with it because it would change the // aspect ratio. } } export function adjustImages(doc) { const imgTagWalker = document.createTreeWalker(doc.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, { acceptNode: node => { if (node.nodeName === 'IMG') { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; }, }); while (imgTagWalker.nextNode()) { _applyMaxWidthAndHeight(imgTagWalker.currentNode); _correctMalformedSrc(imgTagWalker.currentNode); } }