import fs from 'fs-plus' import path from 'path' import childProcess from 'child_process' async function spawn(cmd, args, opts = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const options = Object.assign({stdio: 'inherit'}, opts); const proc = childProcess.spawn(cmd, args, options) proc.on("error", reject) proc.on("exit", resolve) }) } function unlinkIfExistsSync(p) { try { if (fs.lstatSync(p)) { fs.removeSync(p); } } catch (err) { return } } function copyErrorLoggerExtensions(privateDir) { const from = path.join(privateDir, 'src') const to = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-app', 'src')) unlinkIfExistsSync(path.join(to, 'error-logger-extensions')); fs.copySync(from, to); } async function installPrivateResources() { console.log("\n---> Linking private plugins") const privateDir = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-private-plugins')) if (!fs.existsSync(privateDir)) { console.log("\n---> No client app to link. Moving on") return; } copyErrorLoggerExtensions(privateDir) // link private plugins for (const plugin of fs.readdirSync(path.join(privateDir, 'packages'))) { const from = path.resolve(path.join(privateDir, 'packages', plugin)); const to = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-app', 'internal_packages', plugin)); unlinkIfExistsSync(to); fs.symlinkSync(from, to, 'dir'); } // link client-sync const clientSyncDir = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-sync')); const destination = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-app', 'internal_packages', 'client-sync')); unlinkIfExistsSync(destination); fs.symlinkSync(clientSyncDir, destination, 'dir'); } async function lernaBootstrap(installFor) { console.log("\n---> Installing packages"); let lernaCmd = "lerna" if (process.platform === "win32") { lernaCmd = "lerna.cmd" } const args = ["bootstrap"] if (installFor === "clientOnly") { args.push("--ignore='cloud-*'") } else if (installFor === "cloudOnly") { args.push("--ignore='client-*'") } await spawn(path.join('node_modules', '.bin', lernaCmd), args) } const npmEnvs = { system: process.env, apm: Object.assign({}, process.env, { NPM_CONFIG_TARGET: '0.10.40', }), electron: Object.assign({}, process.env, { NPM_CONFIG_TARGET: '1.4.15', NPM_CONFIG_ARCH: process.arch, NPM_CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH: process.arch, NPM_CONFIG_DISTURL: '', NPM_CONFIG_RUNTIME: 'electron', NPM_CONFIG_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE: true, }), }; async function npm(cmd, options) { const {cwd, env} = Object.assign({cwd: '.', env: 'system'}, options); let npmCmd = "npm" if (process.platform === "win32") { npmCmd = "npm.cmd" } await spawn(npmCmd, [cmd], { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', cwd), env: npmEnvs[env], }) } async function electronRebuild() { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join("packages", "client-app", "apm"))) { console.log("\n---> No client app to rebuild. Moving on") return; } await npm('install', { cwd: path.join('packages', 'client-app', 'apm'), env: 'apm', }) await npm('rebuild', { cwd: path.join('packages', 'client-app'), env: 'electron', }) } const getJasmineDir = (packageName) => path.resolve( path.join('packages', packageName, 'spec', 'jasmine') ) const getJasmineConfigPath = (packageName) => path.resolve( path.join(getJasmineDir(packageName), 'config.json') ) function linkJasmineConfigs() { console.log("\n---> Linking Jasmine configs"); const linkToPackages = ['cloud-api', 'cloud-core', 'cloud-workers'] const from = getJasmineConfigPath('isomorphic-core') for (const packageName of linkToPackages) { const dir = getJasmineDir(packageName) if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir) } const to = getJasmineConfigPath(packageName) unlinkIfExistsSync(to) fs.symlinkSync(from, to, 'file') } } function linkIsomorphicCoreSpecs() { console.log("\n---> Linking isomorphic-core specs to client-app specs") const from = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'isomorphic-core', 'spec')) const to = path.resolve(path.join('packages', 'client-app', 'spec', 'isomorphic-core')) unlinkIfExistsSync(to) fs.symlinkSync(from, to, 'dir') } async function main() { try { let installFor = "all"; if (process.env.ONLY_CLIENT === "true") installFor = "clientOnly" if (process.env.ONLY_CLIENT === "false") installFor = "cloudOnly" if (installFor === "all" || installFor === "clientOnly") { await installPrivateResources() } await lernaBootstrap(installFor); if (installFor === "all" || installFor === "clientOnly") { // Given that `lerna bootstrap` does not install optional // dependencies, we need to manually run `npm install` inside // `client-app` so `node-mac-notifier` get's correctly installed and // included in the build See // if (process.platform === "darwin") { console.log("\n---> Reinstalling client-app dependencies to include optional dependencies"); await npm('install', {cwd: 'packages/client-app'}) } await electronRebuild(); linkJasmineConfigs(); linkIsomorphicCoreSpecs(); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } } main()