ChildProcess = require 'child_process' fs = require 'fs-plus' path = require 'path' appFolder = path.resolve(process.execPath, '..') rootAtomFolder = path.resolve(appFolder, '..') binFolder = path.join(rootAtomFolder, 'bin') updateDotExe = path.join(rootAtomFolder, 'Update.exe') exeName = path.basename(process.execPath) if process.env.SystemRoot system32Path = path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32') regPath = path.join(system32Path, 'reg.exe') setxPath = path.join(system32Path, 'setx.exe') else regPath = 'reg.exe' setxPath = 'setx.exe' # Registry keys used for context menu fileKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\*\\shell\\Atom' directoryKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\directory\\shell\\Atom' backgroundKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\directory\\background\\shell\\Atom' environmentKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Environment' # Spawn a command and invoke the callback when it completes with an error # and the output from standard out. spawn = (command, args, callback) -> stdout = '' try spawnedProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(command, args) catch error # Spawn can throw an error process.nextTick -> callback?(error, stdout) return spawnedProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> stdout += data error = null spawnedProcess.on 'error', (processError) -> error ?= processError spawnedProcess.on 'close', (code, signal) -> error ?= new Error("Command failed: #{signal ? code}") if code isnt 0 error?.code ?= code error?.stdout ?= stdout callback?(error, stdout) # Spawn reg.exe and callback when it completes spawnReg = (args, callback) -> spawn(regPath, args, callback) # Spawn setx.exe and callback when it completes spawnSetx = (args, callback) -> spawn(setxPath, args, callback) # Spawn the Update.exe with the given arguments and invoke the callback when # the command completes. spawnUpdate = (args, callback) -> spawn(updateDotExe, args, callback) # Install the Open with Atom explorer context menu items via the registry. installContextMenu = (callback) -> addToRegistry = (args, callback) -> args.unshift('add') args.push('/f') spawnReg(args, callback) installMenu = (keyPath, arg, callback) -> args = [keyPath, '/ve', '/d', 'Open with Atom'] addToRegistry args, -> args = [keyPath, '/v', 'Icon', '/d', process.execPath] addToRegistry args, -> args = ["#{keyPath}\\command", '/ve', '/d', "#{process.execPath} \"#{arg}\""] addToRegistry(args, callback) installMenu fileKeyPath, '%1', -> installMenu directoryKeyPath, '%1', -> installMenu(backgroundKeyPath, '%V', callback) # Get the user's PATH environment variable registry value. getPath = (callback) -> spawnReg ['query', environmentKeyPath, '/v', 'Path'], (error, stdout) -> if error? if error.code is 1 # The query failed so the Path does not exist yet in the registry return callback(null, '') else return callback(error) # Registry query output is in the form: # # HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment # Path REG_SZ C:\a\folder\on\the\path;C\another\folder # lines = stdout.split(/[\r\n]+/).filter (line) -> line segments = lines[lines.length - 1]?.split(' ') if segments[1] is 'Path' and segments.length >= 3 pathEnv = segments?[3..].join(' ') callback(null, pathEnv) else callback(new Error('Registry query for PATH failed')) # Uninstall the Open with Atom explorer context menu items via the registry. uninstallContextMenu = (callback) -> deleteFromRegistry = (keyPath, callback) -> spawnReg(['delete', keyPath, '/f'], callback) deleteFromRegistry fileKeyPath, -> deleteFromRegistry directoryKeyPath, -> deleteFromRegistry(backgroundKeyPath, callback) # Add atom and apm to the PATH # # This is done by adding .cmd shims to the root bin folder in the Atom # install directory that point to the newly installed versions inside # the versioned app directories. addCommandsToPath = (callback) -> installCommands = (callback) -> atomCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'atom.cmd') relativeAtomPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', 'atom.cmd')) atomCommand = "@echo off\r\n\"%~dp0\\#{relativeAtomPath}\" %*" atomShCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'atom') relativeAtomShPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', '')) atomShCommand = "#!/bin/sh\r\n\"$0/../#{relativeAtomShPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')}\" \"$@\"" apmCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'apm.cmd') relativeApmPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'app', 'apm', 'bin', 'apm.cmd')) apmCommand = "@echo off\r\n\"%~dp0\\#{relativeApmPath}\" %*" apmShCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'apm') relativeApmShPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', '')) apmShCommand = "#!/bin/sh\r\n\"$0/../#{relativeApmShPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')}\" \"$@\"" fs.writeFile atomCommandPath, atomCommand, -> fs.writeFile atomShCommandPath, atomShCommand, -> fs.writeFile apmCommandPath, apmCommand, -> fs.writeFile apmShCommandPath, apmShCommand, -> callback() addBinToPath = (pathSegments, callback) -> pathSegments.push(binFolder) newPathEnv = pathSegments.join(';') spawnSetx(['Path', newPathEnv], callback) installCommands (error) -> return callback(error) if error? getPath (error, pathEnv) -> return callback(error) if error? pathSegments = pathEnv.split(/;+/).filter (pathSegment) -> pathSegment if pathSegments.indexOf(binFolder) is -1 addBinToPath(pathSegments, callback) else callback() # Remove atom and apm from the PATH removeCommandsFromPath = (callback) -> getPath (error, pathEnv) -> return callback(error) if error? pathSegments = pathEnv.split(/;+/).filter (pathSegment) -> pathSegment and pathSegment isnt binFolder newPathEnv = pathSegments.join(';') if pathEnv isnt newPathEnv spawnSetx(['Path', newPathEnv], callback) else callback() # Create a desktop and start menu shortcut by using the command line API # provided by Squirrel's Update.exe createShortcuts = (callback) -> spawnUpdate(['--createShortcut', exeName], callback) # Update the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API # provided by Squirrel's Update.exe updateShortcuts = (callback) -> if homeDirectory = fs.getHomeDirectory() desktopShortcutPath = path.join(homeDirectory, 'Desktop', 'Atom.lnk') # Check if the desktop shortcut has been previously deleted and # and keep it deleted if it was fs.exists desktopShortcutPath, (desktopShortcutExists) -> createShortcuts -> if desktopShortcutExists callback() else # Remove the unwanted desktop shortcut that was recreated fs.unlink(desktopShortcutPath, callback) else createShortcuts(callback) # Remove the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API # provided by Squirrel's Update.exe removeShortcuts = (callback) -> spawnUpdate(['--removeShortcut', exeName], callback) exports.spawn = spawnUpdate # Is the Update.exe installed with Atom? exports.existsSync = -> fs.existsSync(updateDotExe) # Restart Atom using the version pointed to by the atom.cmd shim exports.restartAtom = (app) -> if projectPath = global.application?.lastFocusedWindow?.projectPath args = [projectPath] app.once 'will-quit', -> spawn(path.join(binFolder, 'atom.cmd'), args) app.quit() # Handle squirrel events denoted by --squirrel-* command line arguments. exports.handleStartupEvent = (app, squirrelCommand) -> switch squirrelCommand when '--squirrel-install' createShortcuts -> installContextMenu -> addCommandsToPath -> app.quit() true when '--squirrel-updated' updateShortcuts -> installContextMenu -> addCommandsToPath -> app.quit() true when '--squirrel-uninstall' removeShortcuts -> uninstallContextMenu -> removeCommandsFromPath -> app.quit() true when '--squirrel-obsolete' app.quit() true else false