import React from 'react'; import {Actions, IdentityStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import {shell} from 'electron'; class OpenIdentityPageButton extends React.Component { static propTypes = { path: React.PropTypes.string, label: React.PropTypes.string, source: React.PropTypes.string, campaign: React.PropTypes.string, img: React.PropTypes.string, } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, }; } _onClick = () => { this.setState({loading: true}); IdentityStore.fetchSingleSignOnURL(this.props.path, { source: this.props.source, campaign: this.props.campaign, content: this.props.label, }).then((url) => { this.setState({loading: false}); shell.openExternal(url); }); } render() { if (this.state.loading) { return (
); } if (this.props.img) { return (
) } return (
); } } class PreferencesIdentity extends React.Component { static displayName = 'PreferencesIdentity'; constructor() { super(); this.state = this.getStateFromStores(); } componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = IdentityStore.listen(() => { this.setState(this.getStateFromStores()); }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unsubscribe(); } getStateFromStores() { return { identity: IdentityStore.identity() || {}, subscriptionState: IdentityStore.subscriptionState(), trialDaysRemaining: IdentityStore.trialDaysRemaining(), }; } _renderPaymentRow() { const {identity, trialDaysRemaining, subscriptionState} = this.state if (subscriptionState === IdentityStore.State.Trialing) { return (
There {(trialDaysRemaining > 1) ? `are ${trialDaysRemaining} days ` : `is one day `} remaining in your 30-day trial of Nylas Pro.
) } if (subscriptionState === IdentityStore.State.Lapsed) { return (
Your subscription has been cancelled or your billing information has expired. We've paused your mailboxes! Re-new your subscription to continue using N1.
) } return (
Your subscription will renew on {new Date(identity.valid_until).toLocaleDateString()}. Enjoy N1!
) } render() { const {identity} = this.state; const {firstname, lastname, email} = identity; return (
Nylas ID:
{firstname} {lastname}
Actions.logoutNylasIdentity()}>Sign Out
); } } export default PreferencesIdentity;