Title: Welcome
TitleHidden: true
Section: Getting Started
The Nylas Package API allows you to create powerful extensions to Nylas Mail. The client is built on top of Electron and runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It exposes rich APIs for working with the mail, contacts, and calendar and a robust local cache layer. Your packages can leverage NodeJS and other web technologies to create innovative new experiences.
Installing Nylas MailNylas Mail is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Download the latest build for your platform below: |
Package ArchitecturePackages lie at the heart of Nylas Mail. Each part of the core experience is a separate package that uses the Nylas Package API to add functionality to the client. Learn more about packages and create your first package. |
Dive Deeper |
Debugging PackagesNylas Mail is built on top of Electron, which runs the latest version of Chromium. Learn how to access debug tools in Electron and use our Developer Tools Extensions: |
Questions?Need help? Check out the [FAQ](./FAQ.html) or post a question in the [Nylas Mail Facebook Group](facebook.com/groups/nylas.mail) |