import React from 'react'; import { localized, PropTypes, Message, MessageWithEditorState } from 'mailspring-exports'; class TemplateStatusBar extends React.Component<{ draft: MessageWithEditorState }> { static displayName = 'TemplateStatusBar'; static containerStyles = { textAlign: 'center', width: 580, margin: 'auto', }; static propTypes = { draft: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; _usingTemplate(draft: MessageWithEditorState) { return ( draft && draft.bodyEditorState && draft.bodyEditorState.document.getInlinesByType('templatevar').size > 0 ); } render() { if (!this._usingTemplate(this.props.draft)) { return
; } return (
{localized( 'Press "tab" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.' )}
); } } export default TemplateStatusBar;